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The night was smooth sailing after the appointments were set and game night had begun. Most if not all of class 1-A came out to participate in game night and Denki looked to be enjoying himself. I just sat next to or became a seat for him the entire time but his enjoyment led to my enjoyment so I was all right dealing with the extra time I spent with the class. I was slightly intoxicated the entire time anyway since I kept my head resting on Denki's shoulder most of the time. 

"You guys are so cute together! Kami, how did you do it?" I heard Mina ask in a whisper as if she thought I was sleeping. While that was most likely since I had my eyes closed I never slept and that just made everything that much worse when it came to being immortal. 

"What do you mean?" Denki questioned in a tone a bit lower than his usual tone. 

"I mean how did you become close with him?" 

"Hmm, I was just myself I guess. I helped him when we first met and I just kept up being my silly self. That and I don't think I was very pushy about things I just asked if he wanted to be friends." I smirked instantly at that. He really didn't do much aside from being himself but he was a little pushy a few times. Aside from that, I was doing most of the pushing and actually did the opening up to him on my own. 

"Really? A lot of us have tried the same but he just blows us off or completely ignores us. I don't want to talk shit about him because he seems like a nice guy but he acts like we are just people he'll pass by and never see again. Even Aizawa is worried about him because he seems so closed off... I think a lot of us are just relieved to see that he actually has some sort of attachment and that he isn't so alone." I took that moment to adjust my arms that were wrapped around the neon blond's waist. Everyone around us got quiet for a couple of seconds and Denki just adjusted himself a bit and then turned his head to awkwardly face my own. 

"You alright Izu?"

"Hmm..." I responded acting like I was still half out of it. 

"You can go back to the dorm if you want to get some better sleep. It might be more comfortable." In response to that, I shook my head and then nuzzled into his neck.

"No, I'm okay," I mumbled as I held him a bit more securely. 

"If you say so. Shall we continue then?" Denki asked planting a half kiss on my head before turning his attention back to the group he was playing Uno with. 

It was a good night and I gained quite a bit of info on what the class thought about me. While a surprising lot harbored worry for me and happiness that Denki and I got along, a few didn't feel any particular way about me. They all however liked my cooking apparently though which I guess was nice but I only really cared for what Denki thought. 

When the night was coming to an end Denki started to doze I picked him up and said goodnight to everyone that was left. With that, I walked back to my dorm and set him on the bed, and rolled him into a soft burrito. I grabbed a pouch and ate quickly then walked out of my dorm and over to the kitchen. 

"It was nice to see Midoryia out, even if he was glued to Kami it was super cute!" I heard Momo say to presumably one or more of the other girls. 

"Right, kero? I hope he'll come out more often to hang out with us even if he doesn't really do much. He has a calming aura you know?" Tsu said. I was still quite some ways away but I started making sure I applied some sound to my movement as I got closer. 

"Hello, ladies." I greeted as I walked in and around the kitchen checking the cabinets and fridge as I went around. 

"Are you feeling more awake now Midoryia?" Momo asked from her spot by the counter as the girls watched me move around. 

"Yeah, I figured I would go grocery shopping in the morning since food is getting low so I'm making a mental list."

"Alrighty, do you want me to let Aizawa know?" 

"No, I'll text him and let him know, thank you thought. Is there anything you ladies would like me to grab from the store?"

"Oh, can you grab a bunch of baking ingredients for Sato? Maybe some ice cream too?" Momo asked.

"Sure any specific flavor?" I questioned as I continued adding to the mental list. 

"Hmm, surprise us," Momo said with confidence. 

"Will do, you ladies make sure to get your rest then. I'll be making breakfast in the morning by the way. So I hope you come out of your rooms hungry." I told them before leaving and heading back to my dorm.

Aizawa would be on patrol again tonight and he wouldn't be getting back till around 4 am. I planned to send him a text at about three and then take off after he gets back. I would also ask if he could keep up some surveillance on Denki since what we had to tell him at 7 am would explain why. With the text message set to send automatically, I began to walk around my room in a stressed state. My thoughts wondered as I waited for the right time to head out to do the shopping. 

Soon enough I felt my phone vibrate and when I looked at it I had the go-ahead to head out. I threw on a hoodie then walked out of my dorm and met with the crow-haired man outside my room. "Send me a message if anything feels wrong do you understand? If you aren't back in an hour I'm calling you and if you don't answer I'm coming to look for you."

"Come on Mr. Aizawa you know that I'm one of the strongest and smartest in the class. I'll be alright, so don't worry much about me." God, I wish I could have slapped myself at that. 

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