Chapter 23-How to lead an rebellion

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A/N: It's been a while since I uploaded the last chapter and iam only partially  sorry :>.I was struggling for a long time on what to do with this Chapter.

Leading an Rebellion certainly isn't easy for you.

Especially when you aren't in the most mentally stable position with all these things on your mind.

You were just staring on a table in  your own personal room, a room that has been built in what you and the rest of this rebellion found out was a secret passageway in the plantar home.

You don't have any idea on what could be done.  Well yeah, something to make things harder for Andrias but what?

Before you could further not think of what to do, a knock could be heard.

"Come in."
You call out.

The Door opens and it is seen that it's Grime, who is now the second in command and not you.

He kept insisting for you to lead this rebellion because he thought it would help you develop as a person or something.
You didn't want to but basically everyone for some reason agreed with him and now you're the leader of the rebellion.

But hey! At least you now have cool new armor and goggles and a mask!

„Hi Dad, how can I help?"
You ask him.

„Well, you see our members are questioning when we are finally gonna do some rebelling against andrias."
Grime stated.

You sigh and stand up from your seat.

„I already suspected that it was gonna be about this."
You state with an hand on your forehead.

„Well, are you gonna do anything about it then?"
He asks you, not having the intention on sounding provocative, but it came across like that to you.

„I want to, I really wanna, but I have no idea what to do!"
You tell him honestly.

I.. I'm not used to this! You were usually the mastermind behind all the plans, it's why you were the Captain and I the second in command!"
You continued, with a raised tone.

Grime hummed in response, understanding where you're coming from.

„Well sit down, maybe we can figure out something together."
Grime said, still calm.

„Why can't you just be the leader again and come up with the plans?"
You asked him, whining, taking a seat.

„Two reasons:
One: I currently don't feel like it."
Two: This is the perfect opportunity to teach you what it's like being the leader of an army."

You sighed.

„Appreciate your honesty."
You remarked sarcastically.

You in fact didn't appreciate him being honest, it's reminded you how your former  boss at your former internship just give your  certain tasks because they were to lazy to do it themselves.

"Okay, so Y/N. I do have an idea what to do but I want you to to figure out yourself."

You started at Grime annoyed.

"But why?"
You asked, annoyed.

"Well if you figure this one out yourself, maybe you can come up with plans yourself in the future."
He answers.

You sigh and put your hands on your Desk.

"Well if you insist on me doing it like this, you at least have to give me a hint so I can at least work on at least trying to figure out a plan."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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