Chapter 3

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   Eight more years passed, Midnight and Terria are now graduating high school and finally able out into the real world. Every student was awarded for thier hardwork and certain accomplishments, the long traditional  ceremony was nearly coming to an end, “Midnight Cartervill, greatest gains in mathematics and straight-A honor award!” Everyone cheered for Midnight out of respect, now it was Terria's turn to go up on the stage, “Terrakima Racine, perfect gains in science, language arts, and AB honor award!” and again everyone cheered, but the ones that cheered the loudest were Midnight and some other of their friends that they met in mutant school. Terria went down the small set of stairs and went over to her friends and hugged them all, “We’re so proud of you Terria!” Linda said, a mutant girl that has the power of shapeshifting into a snake of any size. “Thank you, Linda, I’m proud of you too... And you Amaro!” 

   “Thanks, Terr. Hey, we should go celebrate!” Amaro suggested, he can control metal and make force fields. They all got excited and ran off of school grounds to go do something fun. 

   The four friends went to first see a movie at the moive theater, a scary movie to ne exact. Linda, Amaro, and Midnight were doing perfectly fine... Except for Terria, who was getting scared with every eery scene. Midnight could sense the air getting cold, he looks at Terria’s hands to notice thin ice forming. To give her comfort, he warms his hands to the point it won’t hurt Terria and held her hand, melting the ice. Terria got embarrassed and blushed when she needed to hold someone's hand to keep her from uncontrollably using her power, Midnight saw that too, he tightens his grip on her hand and smiles at her, “It’s okay, even I get scared” he whispers.

“But you’re not scared of anything” Terria replies. That’s when it crossed Midnight’s mind, he is afraid of one thing…. Losing his best friend. David and Midnight still didn’t tell Terria how she became a family member and about her real parents, they told her when she was six that they aren’t her real family but are friends of her parents and they were asked to take care of her until they came back. So they are lying and not lying at the same time. “I am afraid of some things Terria. I just have to learn to face them.”

   After the two-hour movie, the young adults went to a fast food drive to get something to eat, they joked around and then decided to go to the beach. They played around in the water for a while and everything was going quite well.

   Until a woman screamed…… 


   Everyone saw the shark and frighteningly swam to the shore as the hundred screams echo loudly. But Midnight and Terria were too far from shore, they wouldn't make it, and the shark kept getting closer. Midnight saw the fishing dock, maybe he lift Terria up there. “Terria!!” he pointed at the dock as they swam to it.

“They’re not going to make it!” Linda yelled while being hugged by Amaro and everyone else on the beach watches in horror. 

   Terria and Midnight got to the pillar of the dock, and the shark is slowly coming towards them waiting for the right moment to strike. Midnight got Terria on his shoulders and with all of his strength he pushed her up on the dock, “MID!! TAKE MY HAND!!” Now is the time for the shark to make his attack, it used all its speed to get to Midnight and bite his foot, and pulls him back in the water.

   “MIDNIGHT!!!” Terria screams in shear terror.

   Two choppers fly above where Midnight is being drowned by the beast, trying to get a clear shot to take it down. But cannot. Terria watches the bubbles slowly disappearing from the surface, fearing for her friend’s life until she saw him resurface, but the shark still has a good grip on him. Terria doesn’t know what to do, she’s freaking out… she wasn’t thinking.. she jumped in the water and was making her way to Midnight “Terria no! G--get out of the water!”

   “What is she doing!!?” Amaro yelled in confusion.

   Terria went under the water to meet eyes with the shark. The shark lets go of Midnight and attacked Terria biting her waist and surfacing her above the water, as she lets out a bubbly cry,  “AHHHH!!!!”

The choppers got thankfully Midnight out of the water, but he was fighting with the men, refusing to be saved, trying to save his best friend, “No Terria! TERRIA!!”

   While Terria was close to death, she quickly created a sword size icicle and stabbed the shark in the back letting it bleed out. She resurfaces from the sea, finally able to breath. Midnight was relieved that his friend was safe as sighs heavily and drops to the floor of the chopper.

   Everyone watching the scene was shocked by what just happened, cheering for the unexpected escape of a shark. But then Terria noticed that the shark was fading away like paint in the water even her inguries. Which means.. It was an illusion, a fake. A way to get someone's attention...

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