Chapter 8

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   “You let her get away!!”

   “She was just scared!!”

   Midnight and the commander of the EMT have been arguing for what had recently occurred in the last 15 minutes while the others just watch knowing it’s going to take a while. The commander was raging mad at the fact that he could not capture Terria or any of the remaind mutants. He takes his job seriously, capturing mutants is what he does for a living, nothing will make him feel more at home than doing a little--what he calls--hunting.

   “If you could have just used your firepower to knock her out she wouldn’t have escaped and we could have found a way to put an end to this winter!” yelled the commander.

   “You expect me to hurt my best friend!?” Midnight's hands were in flames as he was about to attack and so was the commander pulling out his knife but Linda got between them, hissing at them saying, “ENOUGH...!! This isn’t going to help Terria.” 

   “She’s right, even if we don’t want to….. We’ll have to work together” David said looking at the commander and his son, as the two just glared at each other not trusting the other. “Fine… but if you try anything that will harm Terria, you’ll regret it.”

   “Midnight I assure you, I will not harm your friend. Why do you think we use tranquilizers instead of real bullets?” Commander smirked. Midnight still glares, with anger and hate in his eyes. The only thing on his mind is getting Terria home, but with help from a mutants enemy is preposterous.


   In the snowy woods of Alaska, Terria is trying her hardest to stay awake and find a place to stay, but she's having some trouble with both. Terria didn't know where she was, she had no clue, and even though the night's freezing snow doesn't bother her she could not just rest out in the open. She needed shelter and she needed it now, the tranquilizer's liquids were taking affect any minute she could fall into a slumber. Until Terrua saw what looks to be an old house that was not in a very good condition, but it’ll work for now. When she went inside it didn’t really look that bad just needs a few tidying here and there, at least there are no rodents or bugs, she can sleep here for tonight. Terria entered a room and just flopped on the bed passing out, not being able to fight off the tranquilizer any longer. 

   Terria woke up late on the next day, she looked all around to see that it wasn’t a dream, what happened yesterday was a. She sighed as she remembered what she did to Midnight, ‘how could I do that to him... Again. He definitely won’t forgive me this time…. He probably hates me’ As Terria looks again at the old shack she decides to start cleaning, with her powers making it look like she lives here. But while she was cleaning she had a flashback to her childhood. 


   Back when Terria was 8 and Midnight was 13, David had to run up to a store to get a few groceries. Terria was bored so she convinced Midnight to play with her, he could never say no to her she was still a child and needed some excitement, besides she's adorable. They went out in the backyard and started playing games, yet they might have made a mess. Later on, Midnight got a text from David saying that he was on his way back “We have to clean this up before dad gets back” he quickly says Midnight started melting some ice turning it into water puddles while Terria was using her powers to make small ice cubes in the cooler. Terria sees the puddles and asks “How are we going to make it look like it didn’t rain here, cuz it didn’t?” Midnight chuckles and goes behind Terria and bends down to her level, “Remember what our teacher was teaching you...? If you can control ice then you be able to control water as well…. So concentrate, look at the puddles and vision where you want it to be” Terria tries and finally got the melted ice water to levitate and move it somewhere else but accidently splashed the next-door neighbor, “HEY!!” the kids ran back inside and saw David standing in the living room, “Uhh hey dad... Ummm, how long have you been standing there?”

   “Long enough to see what you two kids have done”

   Terria looks down in shame thinking it was her fault if they got in trouble. She had Midnight play with her, she started it. “But I’m proud that Terria is improving her powers and that you are there to help” Terria looks back up with a few small tears rolling down her cheeks, David went down to her and cupped her cheeks wiping away her tears, “Don’t ever feel ashamed when something like this happens Terria, we will always forgive you, no matter what”


   Midnight and the gang have been scanning the city but didn’t find anything, Amaro has been looking on the rooftops, Linda has been checking the alleys, and the commander and his men have been scouting the abandoned warehouses. David and Midnight are now just walking through the streets, Midnight as usual has been ranting, “I don’t trust him, father. I know that he doesn’t just want to find Terria. He wants to find her and then--well… do something to her!" David understands his son’s worry and frustration but he tries to keep him calm as well as his powers, “I know son. I don’t trust that man either, but his tech he can help us in finding her”

   Midnight nods looking down in understatatement. He knows the EMT technology can help but nothing will change his judgement on the commander.

   “We got a trace… it's the girl, she’s gone into the woods” a soldier said through the earpiece.

   “Then let’s go!” Linda replies back, heading to the woods. 

   Midnight was relieved by the news. Finally they can find Terria and bring her home, to hold her in his arms and never let her slip away ever again.
‘I hope she’s okay’ was Midnight's thouhgts as he sprints to the woods to find his best friend, his love.

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