Chapter 11

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   On the next morning, the soldiers were getting ready for their next mission in the shack, while the friends practiced their powers, with supervision from David of course. Midnight and Amaro trained on one side of the yard and the girls trained on the other side, Midnight fired fireballs at Amaro but Amaro used his forcefield to block the attack, then levitated metal pipes that were just laying around and shot them towards Midnight. Yet Midnight was able to melt the pipes by setting them on fire with extreme temperature and shot another fireball at Amaro knocking him down, “Ha gotcha!” Midnight exclaimed. 

   “You have always won every round when we were kids” Amaro replies with a smirk as he stands back up and the two boys did their little bro shake.

   “I’ll get ya next time,” Amaro smiled.

   They then looked at the girls watching them doing a match. Linda was winning all because Terria was afraid of using her powers, she doesn't want to hurt anyone ever again. Linda tackled Terria in her snake form squeezing her, waiting for her to tag out, but when Terria was about to she felt something weird happen, like a new ability was kicking in, she then formed into a snowy white owl, freed herself and lifted Linda up in the air, “Ahhh! Terria put me down!”

   Even though it was funny listening to Linda scream from this unexpected turn of events, Terria decided to put her down hovering over her, “Give up?” Terria asked.

   “Definitely” Linda responded then slithers away to Amaro wrapping herself around his neck. Midnight chuckles as he walks over to Terria placing an arm around her shoulders, “Nice job Terria, you’re getting better.”

   “Thanks. I feel better” Terria smiled then she jumps onto Midnight hugging him, “I’m glad,” he said.

   David came up to the two young adults and placed his hand on Terria’s shoulder, “We’re all proud of you Terria, we just hope you’ll stay with us…. And that you can unwinter everything.”

   “I hope so too. It’s been a while since I’ve reversed the ice and you don’t have to worry about me leaving I’m staying with my family…. Dad” 

   Commander watched the scene play while he only thinks about what was going to happen when they get back to the city, he went to check if his men were ready then went back to the family and friends, “We’re moving out, let’s go!”

   They’re almost to the city when Midnight pulled Terria over behind a tree, “Mid…? Mid what's wrong?” Terria asked with concern He doesn’t say anything, he puts his hands on her shoulders and drops his head breathing fast. Terria cups his face bringing his head up for him to look at her, “Midnight…. Please tell me what is bothering you?”

   “..... We know that commander has something for you”


   “Ever since he agreed to help us find you, he’s been acting weird and becoming obsessed with finding you… I’m worried that he's going to try and hurt you or take you away….. Terria, I can’t lose you..”

   Terria couldn’t believe she was hearing this, she knew that when she first saw Commander and his troops they couldn’t be trusted. And now that her best friend is freaking out she doesn’t know what to do. All her life Terria has never seen Midnight like this, it was always her that would freak out and have Midnight comfort her, not the other way around. But thankfully she had learned a thing or two after these years, she wraps her arms under his and brought him into a hug, “You won’t lose me Mid… I promise. Besides even if Commander does take me….”

   Midnight didn’t want to even think of what could happen if Terria was captured he tightens his grip around Terria but she steps back looking into his eyes, “I know that you will come after me and rescue me.” The two smiled at each other then they both felt something they have never felt before, it was stronger than they have felt towards one another. They were both lean in closer… and closer…. Until their lips finally collided. Midnight was afraid that this was a fantasy he was going to pull away to see Terria’s reaction but she only cupped his cheeks to bring him closer ‘Nope not a dream’


   The two separated and saw that Amaro and Linda were standing there with their eyebrows raised up and smirking obviously. “Are we going to get out of the cold or are we going to wait for you two love birds to be done smooching?” Amaro said with his arms crossed while Linda tries to keep her giggles quiet. Midnight and Terria were too embarrassed to say anything they were stuttering over their words, it was hilarious to Amaro and Linda.

   “W--We’re…. Uhhh--” Midnight studdered not being able to find the words, but thankfully Terria was able to say something to cover her new lover, “We’re coming.. We were just.. Talking” but still embarrassed. 

   “It's okay guys, we knew about you two liking each other, we were just being nice to let you two come together on your own” Linda replies with a smile, she ships it and is proud of her friends. “Thanks, Linda.” 

   They finally got back to the city of Alaska and when Terria saw what she had done. She started to regret coming back, she looked around the city she grew up in and saw that it was a snow Apokolips. Buildings and homes were covered in snow and ice, the roads were cracked and it was freezing. Midnight looks over to her and saw Terria’s reaction, he takes her hand and holds it tightly. “You can do it… I know you can '' that was all he said. The troops took Terria to the downtown park, the same park where she was left as a two-year-old. Terria started to get a massive headache as she silently screams holding her head, her friends, father, and lover came up to her to figure out what was wrong, “I… I--I remember! I remember everything!” 

   Commander smirks as he looks over to the bushes nodding his head. What they didn’t know was that someone was waiting for them, the entire time. Midnight tries to calm Terria down but he then heard rustling noises from behind, he shot a flame at the stranger’s feet but when he saw who it was… it was not a stranger at all, “Hello Midnight I see you have managed to bring Terria back home” 

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