Chapter 5

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Hello everyone I hope you're enjoying the book so far. Don't be shy to leave a comment in the comment section below. Here's Fire & Ice Chapter 5

   Lance, Terria, and the other mutants have arrived at their secret lair, somewhere that is unknown to the people on the outside, but by the looks of it, it seems like they’re in an abandoned building. Everything seems to be decent on the inside, no rats or dust just looks like a secret club. There were ping-pong tables, pool tables, pinball machines, men playing poker doing some gambling, and some were training in another room. The men went to do their normal thing while Terria watched. Everyone got along well and they were using their powers freely. Lance came up to Terria and placed a hand on her shoulder, “This is how mutants are supposed to live... free. Not to live where you have to fear hurting their friends, family, or other people… this is the life of a mutant.” But the word friends made Terria think of Midnight, she loved him, more than a friend and she almost killed him.. she pushed him away. Lance saw the hurt on Terria’s face and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, “Come with me.”

   They entered his room as Lance locked the door. “You’re thinking about that kid, Midnight” Terria didn’t want to admit it but she nodded her head in agreement, Lance leads her to the bed as they both sit down, “I… I just can’t stop thinking about him. He’s always been there when I was afraid or hurt… and I’ve done nothing to repay him”

   Lance hated it when she started talking about Midnight like that, he didn’t want Terria to talk about anyone about her previous life, he wanted her all to himself, but to get her to join him completely, he kept his cool, “But he lied to you, just like you said if he did care about you… he would have told you the truth” 

   Terria nods as she hides her face in her hands, “But he’s the only family I’ve known!” 

   Lance wraps his arms around her, bringing her into a side hug soothing her, “We’re your family now, not them. I’ll be here when you need me.” Lance kissed Terria’s head and lays his on hers, Terria was surprised by his reaction but quickly got used to it, she always thought Midnight would be the one doing this to her, but her negative thoughts got to her. “I promise” 

   Linda and Amaro tried to get Midnight to allow them to walk him home and help him explain to his dad what had just happened but Midnight refused to say that it was his fault for not telling Terria and that he will have to face his father alone. Midnight walked home in the pouring down rain with thunder and lighting he got to his front door, hesitating to go in. He let out a long sigh before going in, but when he opened the door his father was already standing by the door. Midnight got scared and looked down in shame, “It was on the news…. Come and we’ll discuss what happened.”

   When David and Midnight both sat on the couch, Midnight just blurted out, “I’m sorry dad I knew I should have told Terria sooner but I was so scared! I didn’t think this would happen--”

   “Midnight, son calm down, I’m not angry at you… I know you were trying to protect her, it’s what made you a very good friend.”

   “Terria didn’t think so” Midnight responds with a sad look.

   “She’s just upset son--”

   “Dad… she went with Lance” Midnight interupts. Letting out the intense anxiety that he has been holding in.

   ‘The cameraman didn’t get that part for some reason’ David thought after he let out an ‘oh’ looking to the side. “Dad... I’m sorry for not admitting this to you sooner….. But I love Terria, I have ever since I was 15. Now that she’s with Lance I can’t help but worry that she's going to get hurt, when Terria was six that’s when Lance got jealous that I was spending more time with her than him…. I’m just….. I fear for her life dad. I can’t lose her.”

   David knew what his son was feeling, and he already knew about Midnight loving Terria… he needs to be more careful about where to put his journal. David put his hand on his son’s shoulder and shook him a bit, “If you truly love her…… Then go get her. Prove to her that he is a bad man and that you will protect her from any harm.” That sent some confidence to Midnight, he nodded and went to contact Linda and Amaro saying that they have to get Terria back.

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