Chapter 15

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   Even though one part of the problem is solved… there is still one more problem. It’s still winter, people are freezing in a serious cold, and everything is covered in thick layers of snow and ice. Terria looks all around her surrounding, seeing what she has created--destruction--but then she feels a hand on her shoulder, Midnight came up to her and gave her a calm look with a smile. “You can do it Terria... I know you can, remember what I said all those years ago ‘even if ice can bring destruction, it’s a beautiful power.’ you can do so much more than just let it out Terria... You just have to believe in yourself” Terria kept playing that in her head, and she remembers everything, all the saying of her friends, teachers, father and her new lover would say. 

   ‘Ice is a beautiful power’

   ‘You just need to learn to control it’

   ‘Don’t let the power control you'

   ‘Believe in yourself’

   But the one that got her attention the most was what her teacher told her when she admitted her feelings to Midnight and how she didn’t want to hurt him ever again. 

   ‘An act of the truest love will melt the frost in your heart’

   “Love melts” she resited. Everyone looks at her with curiosity, but to their surprise, Terria used the wave of her hands to control the ice and snow to evaporate off the building, the ground, and the lakes. The weather became warmer. It was spring again, the snow and the ice is all gone, the problems has been solved, and mistakes have been sealed. 

   “I knew you could do it Terria” Midnight said wrapping his arm around Terria’s shoulders, Terria turns and hugs her lover ever so tight that you think that she is taking away his air, “Thank you Midnight... For everything. You and our friends were always there when I needed you, I just wish I realized it sooner” Midnight lets out a chuckle and smiles down at her as the rest of their friends joined in.

   “It's okay Terria. We forgive you” Amaro said next placing his hand on her shoulder and Linda hugs Terria from her waist smiling brightly. Peter and David then came over, and when Terria saw them and let go of Midnight Linda and Amaro let her go. Terria hugged Peter first thanking him for taking care of her when she was with Lance, then she went over to David and looks down, “I’m sorry” that was all she could say for everything that she had done but David brings her to his body and hugs her close, “None of this was your fault… you will always be my daughter” Terria smiles and burst into tears of happiness. 

   She is glad that she has finally found where she belonged, with the family and the friends that have taken care of her over the time in her life. But also the love that she can share with her new lover, and never fear using her powers ever again. 

Hey everyone! Here's chapter 15, only 2 more chapters to go and then we're done with this book.
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See ya in the next chapter 👋

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