Chapter 16

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   Although the battle against the ruthless rebels was over, there was one battle that still needed to be fought. The organization of capturing mutants was still at large, mortals still have their doubts. 

   The scene now takes us to the mayor's office. Linda, Amaro, Peter, and David stood by the entrance of the office while Terria and Midnight stood by his desk. Terria was freaking out she kept fidgeting with her hands because she thought that the Mayor was going to give her to the EMC and that her friends would be sent there as well. David was just as worried as Terria because this is what he and his wife felt when they talked to the mayor about letting mutants live free with humans, this flashback was playing over and over in his head as he thinks about what might happen next. 

   “Relax Miss Racine, we don’t want to release your powers now, do we?” the mayor suddenly said as he was sitting up straight with his hands holding the other placed on the table. Terria looks down at her hands seeing it’s being covered by ice and a little bit of snow on the floor, now she’s getting even more scared. Midnight looks at her hands then he holds them to melt the ice, “It's going to be okay” he whispers in her ear doing his best to calm her down, Terria only nods keeping quiet.

   “I know what you all must be thinking… I am not going to send you away to the EMC, not after hearing what my 'good friend' the Commander did. Becoming friends with a dangerous mutant just to attack you and your family.” Everyone sighed in relief huge stress just streamed down their shoulders like a waterfall as they placed their hands on their chest taking a breath. But Terria still stood nervously. 

   “I, personally, am a fan of mutants. Because of your father Midnight Cartervill, I have seen that mutants indeed do deserve to live in harmony and peace. No segregation and no violence. That is why I do not wish to send you gifted, who should not be sent to a prison, under the supervision of the EMC. I would be honored to have you, Terrakima, and your friend Midnight to do a speech to the people and apologize for what you think is your fault”

   Midnight looked down and Terria saw her looking shocked with her blue eyes wide open in surprise, it was almost like he partically read their minds. But everyone knew that Terria was not a big talker, she gets nervous with talking to a huge crowd at once. Midnight takes her hand and soothes it as Terria looks up at him, “If you want I could do the talking and you could just stand right next to me.”

   Terria knows that Midnight was trying to help, and so did the other mutants. But this all happened to her, not Midnight or her friends, the people that suffered the cold weather needed to hear it from her. “No, thanks but…. I caused this. The people have to hear the apology from me… don’t worry, I can do it”

   Midnight looks at his lover with the caring smile that he has always given her ever since they found her in that park on that night.

   “Now that is the voice of a true mutant leader,” the mayor said, inspired by how Terria sounds somewhat confident about standing up to the people that can be 90% angry at her and possibly throw anything they could find at her. But on the bright side they might listen to her, Linda smiled widely as her hands were together by her mouth then she comes over and locks her arms around Terria’s right arm, “Alright! Let’s get started on making this speech! I’m a master at this kind of stuff y’know!” that was true during highschool years Linda was always good at writing speeches. Linda drags Terria out of the office excitedly as Midnight, Peter and Amaro walk beside each other smiling at the girls. 

   David was the last to exit the room when the Mayor leaves his desk to go up to David, “Mr. Cartervill…” David turns around to face the Mayor then said “I am sorry about your wife, I heard how she died and I’m sorry for you and your son’s loss. She was a brave woman to come with you to this very office”

   “Yes, she was. She was never afraid to stand up for something right for her friends and family… and thank you” 

   “Yes well… at least you have something or actually someone to remember her by.”

   David knew what the Mayor meant by that. He meant Terrakima. David closed his eyes and lets out a chuckle remembering all the characteristics that Katy and Terria had in common. “That is true, Terrakima does remind me a lot about Katy. Her happy energy, the way she plays with Midnight when she was little, just almost everything she does reminds me of Katy… except the time that Terria was trying to use an oven made out of ice” Both men laugh as they look at each other and then shook one another’s hand, “I am glad that I have met those years ago. I wish you and the others luck.”

   “Thank you, Mr. Mayor”

🎶Its the final count down!!! Yeaah~🎶

One more chapter to go! 😁
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