Chapter 7

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   Back at the Cartervill’s house, Midnight was throwing a tantrum…. again, hes done nothing but worry about Terria and her safety. He knows what Lance is capable of and for him to have her... he did not want to think about what is happening, “We have to find her and bring her home!” 

   “Yes we know!” he and Amaro haven't been working out very well, they both worry for their friend, but both of them were slightly going their separate ways, and sometimes they get into fistfights but Linda or David always stopped them.

   “Guys! GUYS!!!” Linda hissed at the two boys, getting their attention. She had just come back from doing her patrolling, looking for Terria. Midnight, Amaro and David looks at Linda who has her arms crossed and narrowed her eyes at them, “We have a problem” she simply said.

   “Why are you covered in snow?” Amaro dumbly asks. Linda goes over to the window and pulls the curtain open, “This is the problem” the boys looked outside with their eyes widen. It was spring, how can it suddenly be winter? “Who do you think did this?” Amaro asked

   “Terria” everyone looked at Midnight who was still staring outside the window.

   “How do you know it was her, son?” David said walking little ways to him. “Remember when she got bullied in her freshman year, in the gym?” they all nod to Midnight’s question, “Well she never told you guys this, and begged the school to not report either…. But she froze the gym, like how she turned the training room at Mutant school in beautiful winter…… but the gym was an ice and snow obstacle course, just like this one”

   “We need to go after her…. She can’t keep doing this, because if she does... Everyone will freeze to death” Amaro said getting up close to Midnight, “Look, I know you care about Terria very much... We all do….. But we can’t be going our separate ways” Amaro held out his hand with a smile, “What do you say…. We work together this time?” After Amaro said that, Midnight gladly took his hand and shook it. 


   Now back to Terria, she couldn’t imagine that she did it again. Terria got out of the building but only to be surrounded by the EMC, they all pointed their tranquilizer dart guns at her in case she decided to attack. “THIS IS THE EMC!! STAY WHERE YOU ARE OR WE WILL SHOOT!!” Terria made an escape plan in her head, she had to get away, and when she was about to go with it, they all heard a male voice, “STOP!!”


   Amaro, Linda, and David held off the men of the EMC, while Midnight went up to his best friend to try and talk to her, Terria was too scared that she would hurt her friends again she got into a stance and was getting ready. “Easy Terria, I’m not here to fight…. I just want to talk.” 

   “N--No. Just stay back!” Terria shot ice at his feet as a warning, and the EMC was even more alert, “Okay, I’ll stay over here, but just listen to me” Midnight said putting his hands up in surrender as Terria put her hands down, “I know you’re scared Terria.. I can’t believe what you must have gone through, but we’re all here for you…. Come home” he said as he lets his hand out hoping she will take it. She was about to, but negative thoughts came to her again, she could only vision hurting her only family. “No…. I can’t”

   “Terria please--”

   “I SAID NO!!”

   Terria accidentally shot ice sickles like arrows toward them hitting a few EMC soldiers, as David, Linda and Amaro ducked, but one just barely missed Midnight. It cut him on his right shoulder, just above the previous scar, and when Terria saw what she just did panic struck her. “N--N--No, Terria it’s okay. It’s just a scratch” yet Terria thought otherwise as she made a run for it the remaining soldiers went after her and David, Linda and Amaro tried to stop them. One soldier was just ready to shoot his tranquilizer dart gun but Midnight shot a fireball to his hands to make him miss, but it only hit Terria in the shoulder as she felt dizzy but still ran into the woods.

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