Chapter 10

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   The next morning Amaro was the first to wake up and noticed that the storm has passed. Just then he was about wake everyone else up but felt a little weight on him, he looks down to see Linda using his shoulder as a pillow, he thought it was cute the way she was sleeping. Good thing she doesn’t sleep with her eyes open like snakes do or that’ll be creepy. He uses his free hand to shake her and wake her up, “Linda… Linda, we need to get up” Linda was like halfway awake and when she was about fully awake, the commander starts to yell “EVERYONE GET UP!! WE’RE MOVING OUT!!” Everybody jumped out of their skin when he yelled, it was unexpected, except for the soldiers they got used to it. Midnight got up and walked over to his friends.

   “Do you think Commander is up to something?” Linda asked.

   “I do believe he is… we need to keep a close eye on him,” Amaro said looking back at Midnight who nods and looks at the commander, watching him grab his sword with a tight grip. 

   “I think we’re almost to the girl!” a soldier said with relief in his voice, as everyone else sighs in relief as well. But while they were reassured they all heard a very unusual growl and not a hungry stomach growl, this was a wild animal growl. From behind the trees, a wild dark brown bear came out standing on its two back paws roaring at them, “ATTACK!!!” The soldiers did as they were told and attacked the bear, and yep they took quite a few hard hits, very hard, they were getting swatted at like they were flies. One soldier was down and couldn’t get back up, Linda ran in between the soldier and the bear shifting to her huge snake form, hissing and snapping at the bear. Amaro took his chance to pull back the soldier carefully using his power since all the soldiers are wearing metal. Linda gets smacked hard, leaving a scratch falling to the snowy ground, Amaro got in front of the wild animal and stopped it from hurting Linda anymore by creating a force field while the bear continues its scratching attack. 

   Midnight saw that his father was trying to help the soldiers, Commander just standing there carelessly, and his friends were in trouble. He couldn’t think of anything else to do except make a fireball from his palm and throw it at the bear, getting its attention “Come on!” and the bear did, it started to run after Midnight, now he doesn’t know what to do “Aw crap.” 

   Midnight ran away from the bear, trying to lead it away from everyone else, but he bear caught him and kept him underneath its body, putting its front paws on Midnight’s chest, crushing him into the snow as he grunted. Trying to get the bear’s feet off of him. He felt like he was about to pass out with all of his air being pushed out of him, but another bear came and attacked the dark brown one. “Midnight! Son! Are you okay?” David came over to Midnight setting him up as the others came over “Y--Y--Yeah” 

   The mysterious white bear that is protecting the troops wasn’t going to be able to hold back the brown bear any longer, for it was falling apart, with every swing the wild brown bear makes white substance leaves the white bear. “Snow? A snow bear?” one soldier said confused. This 'snow bear' fell collasped and the brown bear was coming at them, again. But everyone heard a yell, a female yell, as ice formed under the bear’s feet making it slip. Everyone looked over to see that Terria was the one protecting them, the bear gets back up and roared at Terria running towards her. Terria creates a giant snowball and throws it at the bear, but it didn’t stop it, it swats at Terria making her fly in a different direction. 

   That other direction was to a frozen river, she got the idea of luring the bear onto the ice, thin ice, and having it get stuck. Terria made an icicle and throws it near the animal’s head, “That’s it! Come this way!” When the bear got on the ice, it made its way to Terria the ice cracks. The bear made its strike but Terria jumps it over the bear and landed behind it, going to try and make a run for it, but the bear only smashes the ice making it shatter and break having Terria and the bear fall in and the bear somehow got ahold of Terria’s shirt with its claw bringing her down with it. 

   “Terria! NO!!” Midnight definitely couldn’t just do anything, the commander was just yelling at him to stop but Midnight paid no attention he jumps in the water even though he knows it was cold, and he won’t let his best friend/crush drown. He sees Terria, who’s struggling and losing air, and swims down to her, grabbing ahold of her arm and using his other hand to free the claw from her shirt. Once he did he swims them back up getting air to breathe, “Y--You’re going.. t--to be o--okay” Midnight shivery said as Terria just nods putting her head on his shoulder. 

   They got out of the water okay and found the shack Terria was staying in and used it as another rest spot. The soldiers, Commander and David were recovering in the living room, Linda and Amaro were staying in the guest bedroom, while Midnight and Terria were staying in the master bedroom. Midnight was piercing cold, Terria seems a bit fine, she was cold but she gets used to it since her power is ice. She came back with a heating pad for Midnight when she came in she saw that he was trying to stay warm using all of the blankets they had in the room, she giggles at the sight and comes over to her friend. 

   “H--H--How are you…. N--not cold?” he asked. 

   “I guess with having ice powers, you get used to the cold. I mean I’m a bit cold but….” Terria puts the heating pad on his head and pushes him down by the shoulders to have him lie on the bed. 

   “Not as cold as you are right now… the heating pad should give your warmth back.” She was about to go to the other side of the room but feel a tug on her arm, she sees that Midnight had taken her hand and smiled at her, “I know you got used to the cold. But at least come and lay down, you need rest.” Terria couldn’t resist, she got on the other side of the bed and lays down on her side facing Midnight. “So… how did you know we were in trouble?”

   “Oh umm, see... I was just in the woods walking around and that’s when I heard the bear and you guys screaming... Even though I didn’t want you guys to find me I knew I couldn’t just let you guys get hurt. I knew I had to do something”

   “Terria… we really need you to come back, the city.. it’s frozen and if we don’t find a way to make it spring again… everyone will die” 

   Terria just looks down at the bed, she wants to help she truly does.. She just doesn’t want to hurt Midnight again and doesn’t remember how to reverse her doings, “Mid.. I don’t know if I can..” she placed her hand on his cold bare chest traveling up to his scars that she made, “I--I’m afraid I’ll only cause more damage.” Midnight sighs and takes her hand holding it tight with his as the friends look into the eyes of each other, “I know you’re afraid Terria but I’m telling you that you don’t have to be. As long as you’re with me, Linda, Amaro, and dad... You have nothing to be afraid of. I’m here for you, always have... And I always will.” Terria stares at him with small tears coming down her cheeks, she looks down letting out quiet sobs and Midnight brings her closer to him comforting her. “Will you come home Terria?” they break the hug while Midnight cups one of her cheeks with one hand and looks at her, “Yes… I will” with smiles the two fell asleep in the bed holding each other close and not letting go. 

   But without them knowing the commander was listening to their conversation, he smirks as he knows that his plan was going smoothly. He went back to the living room to whisper at his men, “We got the girl” for their sake David was outside getting firewood. 

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