Chapter 12

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Everyone stood their ground ready for Lance to use his powers against them, but Lance was just standing there eyeballing Terria from head to toe. Midnight didn't like lance gazing at the girl inappropriately and got in front of Terria to protect her.

"I believe you have something that belongs to me" Lance smirked.

"You will not have her! Ever since we were kids you were obsessed with having her... but I know you... and you will not lay a hand on her!" Midnight yelled. He was afraid for all of this to happen, Terria learning the truth and running away, that Lance would find them and take her away. With all the past events being fulfilled, Midnight will not let Terria be taken from him again. Terria noticed that his hand was shaking in fear and anger, she held his hand in hers, letting him know that it will be alright.

Lance laughed at Midnight's small act of courage and overprotection, "That may be true old friend... but you should also know that I always get what I want."

Before they knew it, the soldiers grabbed a hold of the mutants with taser whips tasering them. They all fell to the ground panting and grunting in pain, Commander came over to David and Midnight looking at them with a smile of victory, "We knew we shouldn't have trusted you!" David yells while he tries to attack Commander but only gets tased once again.

"Yeah, you really shouldn't have... but you had to find the girl so you had no choice but to trust me.... Pathetic."

Commander then walks over to Terria and kneels down to her level grabbing her chin to force her to look at him, "Don't touch her!" Midnight warns as he was trying to break free from the taser whips but only gets tased. "Oh, Midnight why would I break this piece of beautiful ice," Commander said as he places his hand on Terria's cheek and tried to kiss her, only to make Midnight even more pissed off, but Terria blew snow in his face. Commander got angry as he wipes the snow off his face and was tempted to back hand her in the face but Lance came over and stopped him from doing so, "Now now Commander, that's not how we treat a lady" Lance said smirking as Commander just walked away, groaning. While lance looks at Terria with an evil grin, "Tsk tsk tsk.... I guess we're just gonna have to punish you for being a bad girl huh?"

Only the last few words sent a very uncomfortable chill running down Terria's spine. She was afraid of what was going to happen and felt powerless. Lance motions two of the soldiers to get Terria up on her feet and start dragging her to the dark van as she tries to get free but failed. Terria looks back to see that her lover is watching with wide eyes of fear, he won't allow this, "NO!!" Midnight started to fight back using all of his strength and energy he has left, he set the whips on fire traveling to the soldier's hands and making them let go.

He then ran towards his lover fighting off anyone that got in the way, when he was so close to Terria three to five soldiers grabbed him as he reached out his hand, Terria started to do the same but Lance threw her to the ground behind him then used his power to make Midnight feel internal pain, screaming and groaning loudly as he held his stomach and chest. His father and friends yelled at Lance threatening him or begging him to stop but Lance only smirks and continues killing him. "STOP!! STOP PLEASE!! I--I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU ASK!! JUST LEAVE HIM AND THE OTHERS ALONE!! PLEASE!! I BEG OF YOU!!"

Lance looks to Terria letting Midnight go of his power, he walks slowly to the ice girl who is on her knees crying letting out her powers as the ground turned into thick ice, "What was that?" Lance said as he forcefully grabs her chin lifting her head up, Terria knew what he wanted, he wanted to hear her beg again. As much as she hated to do it, Terria looks into his eyes and says again "I beg of you" but more of a whisper. Lance nods his head with a smirk "As you wish my darling" he lets go of Terria's chin as her head drops and continues to cry, "Bring her back to base and make sure she is secured..." Lance commanded the troops.

"What about the others?!" a soldier asked.

Lance looks over at them seeing them all weak from the tasers not having enough energy to use their powers, "Leave them." The soldiers did what they were told, leaving the mutants on the snowy ground as they followed the Commander and Lance back to their base taking Terria with them. Midnight watched in sorrow looking dead at Terria as she did the same, but her words repeated in his head, 'I know that you will come after me and rescue me.'

How do you think this will turn out? Stay in touch and you'll find out.. next Firday, of course ;)

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