Chapter 14

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   Midnight stands next to a frozen lake, the same one he saved Terria from falling in years ago. He began to look at his own reflection and could see all the precious memories of her and him, from the time she was only two years old playing hide and seek with him, to a few moments ago sharing their feelings to each other. Midnight couldn’t fight it, his teacher always said “No tears, except one. Make it worth it” 

   This one would be worth letting out, right? He asked himself. But not one tear will be spilled, instead, it will be a waterfall. Midnight collapse to the snowy ground and sobs and sobs, ‘I’m so sorry Terria. I couldn’t protect you… I was too weak. I failed you.’ 

   Amaro sees Midnight on the ground crying, he knows that this situation isn’t going easy for his friend. He can’t imagine what must be going through Midnight’s head, how it feels to have lost your friend/lover to a maniac twice. Amaro goes over to his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder, startling him. Midnight hated crying in front of everyone, but the only other person he has let them see him cry, was Terria and she was always there whenever he felt down. Now that she’s gone, taken from him he feels powerless. “Amaro I… I--I--” 

   Amaro doesn’t say anything, he only side-hugs his friend as two more pairs of arms wrapped around him, “We’ll get her back Midnight” Linda encouraged, trying to make him feel somewhat better, having hope. 

   “There’s just one small problem” David started to say as everyone steps away to look at him, “We don’t know where Lance and the Commander took her..”

   “I do…” 

   They all turned around to see a man standing only a few feet away from them, they got into a stance in case this man tries to pull any tricks, “Don’t worry I’m not a part of Lance's group….. I’ve always hated that arrogant ass” the man said.

   “Then why are you here?” Amaro asked with harshness.

   “Because I want to help you get Terria back, I was the only friend to her when she was staying with Lance… I tried to help her escape, but other mutants were attacking we fought our way through and only Terria managed to get out” the man said looking at the four mutants. 

   “How do we know we can trust you…? You said you’re not with Lance, yet you were in his team at the time” Midnight and the strange man looked eye to eye they can both see what the other carries on their shoulders. Revenge and pain. “That psycho mutant killed my little sister... And she was human, he promised to not harm my family as long as I joined them... No, he lied. Now I just wish that he will suffer as my sister did, and I know that you want the same… Midnight” 

   But back in the docks, Lance, Commander, and the troop were waiting for Midnight and the others to show up; they know that they will come for Terria to save her and bring her home. You know all that heroic stuff. So they will be prepared. They see four figures through the fog, Commander puts up his fist letting the soldiers know to get ready to fire their guns “Hold… Hold” the figures come closer, “Hold…. FIRE!!” The soldiers set the triggers to their guns but Amaro put up his forcefield and David created three huge boulders from the ground of the earth and pushed them to the men, missing a few but hitting most of the soldiers either crushing them or knocking them out. Lance knew that Midnight was here. His plan just had to work. 

   “Linda, Amaro… you’re next” Midnight ordered. Linda gave him a smirk and transformed into a small white snake as Amaro opened the field just enough for her to get through. Linda used her snake speed to attack, biting the remaining soldiers in the neck. Amaro knocks over the metal oil barrels causing the caps to come off and the oil to spread near Lance and Commander, Midnight made fireballs shooting them at the oil and making a huge fire. But then hundreds of soldiers surrounded them Amaro dropped the forcefield and they all attacked. Throwing punches, powers, and shooting their guns. 

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