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As jane was dreaming she got forced into something that seemed like a dream but it was actually a memory. one that was supposed to be tucked away from janes mind for a reason.... Watching her mother pack things for an extremely long..."business trip" jane knew it was a lie thought but strangely. she completely forgot why she thought her mother was lying. it seemed like such a good idea because it would give their family more money

. But her father Kesler was already making good money with his job as a detective. young jane didn't understand why her mother had to leave. As she watched her mother stuff her bags a suitcases. she didn't wave at all to her or Kesler. she just looked with a blank, deadly stare and then drove off.

Young jane knew something wasn't right. that wasn't her mother back there.. it was like it was a completely different women. She wasn't going on that business trip. she was planning something. something bad. Next thing jane knew that her younger self was in the hospital for some reason that jane couldn't get to grasp. Then, Jane was pushed into a nightmare. she was in a purple night gown. Staring at her other self and then she heard her mother calling her again. she gasped as her other self ran into the room. the mirror was shattered and her body. limp

. She was surrounded by shards of that same mirror. her mother wouldn't hurt her right? it was like it was from a completely another universe. Jane woke up in a sweat. panicking and running into her fathers office because she knew he was up at that time in night. As she ran into his room, she told him everything. "don't worry jane.. it was just a nightmare. jane reluctantly believed him. but something told her that that dream or memory was real and it happened in a parallel universe but she couldn't grasp the concept of that. she curled up on the couch in her fathers office and then drifted back off into a happy dream world..

Universe 999: a soul for a soul storyWhere stories live. Discover now