----chapter 6: horrible memories---

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Jane wiped her tears and sat down on her knees. They weren't going away. She re-lived the memory. She scrubbed her eyes with her fists. Trying to make herself stop crying. She wanted it to be how it was before. Just her father and Her. But the more sensible side of her wanted to stay back in this universe. It was safe. She was with her loving father and she wasn't dead. But she knew this wasn't real. It's just a illusion of her mother's mind. She created this world and the only way to go back. Was to harm her. Jane knew it would come to that. She just couldn't accept it even though her mother had be absent.

She felt like her mother's puppet. She sighed and crawled into her closet digging out a pink and green crystal. She held her breath and held it up. Then, the green light took her away. She was at one of her mother's bases. She gasped. She didn't have a weapon. She hadn't even planned this! "Damnit!" She cursed and ran behind a wall. Watching as the hooded figures surrounded her mother. She was terrified of the thought of being discovered. She was quickly thrown out of her panick.

Watching someone loom over her. Covering her mouth and pushing her out.then he took off his cape.It was a boy. He had pale skin, soft freckles and red hair. He looked familiar she just needed to rember it. "Shhh" he said quietly and grabbed her arm and pulled her out."Jane....?" He whispered. "Who are you" she whisper yelled. He cursed "It's me.? Liam?" It didn't ring a bell."right. It's her fault" he turned his head around and then stared at the bag "i-im sorry.. I'll probably rember soon" she clutched the bag closer to herself "it's fine.. how did you even find this place? Don't you wish this was normal again?" She nodded her head. Then Liam dug out a purple crystal from his pocket and placed it into her hand "take this and run as fast as you can" she squeezed it in her hand trying to figure who he was. Before he pushed her out and then she started running as fast as she could. Blinking in and out of sight slightly.

She wasn't even noticing where she was going and then everything turned on for a second and then off. Then it felt like she was falling right in the center of the park. She gasped and winced. Looking at her hands and realized what just happened. "Holy crap- I teleported??!" She quickly got up. Hoping no one just saw what happened to her.

She ran into a forest as she tried catching her breath. She had another memory of the boy. Memory:

He was painting her nails a bright pink color. She couldn't hear what they were saying to each other but she could tell she was fine with it. Then it ended. She felt like she was sweating and unconscious once she woke up. Probably from exhaustion. She needed to find food and fast.

Next chapter will probably be some filler and then Jane meeting up with anadil again

Universe 999: a soul for a soul storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin