------- chapter 5----

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She was terrified of everything. Just wanting to go back when she wasn't aware. Back to thinking it was a nightmare. Back to thinking everything was normal and she didn't feel like her mother's little puppet and under her control. Jane wanted to go home. "Oh no no no" she trembled and stepped back. Hearing someone behind her. There was only one thing who she thought could be behind her. Her mother. She was terrified and didn't find anything to hide behind. She was vulnerable and the worst part is she didn't have a crystal on her or any weapon at all. She panicked. Luckily she was in her back yard. it was midnight though. Her father was dead asleep and exhausted. She bolted straight into the house, locking every single door and window and the curtains.

She crawled back into bed. Having another vision as she slept. she saw herself as a spirit again and getting chased by her mother and she was holding something red. Lipstick?Getting told to stop running away and her mother yelling "Jane!" Then she blinked out of that house. As soon as it started it ended. But nothing of that eased Jane's panic. She knew something was up. Trying to get another hint at this she tried to go back to sleep and successfully went back. It was the a nightmare.

She was terrified at what she saw but it gave her a sense of why her mother wanted her. To control her and use her as a weapon

She entered the huge room that was filled with shiny glass mirrors. Jane winced as she passed one. It wasn't that she was ugly, she wasn't at all. Jane just tried to avoid her mother's mirrors. Every other mirror showed the truth. Her mother's mirrors, however, showed the opposite of the person who looked into them. She watched as mirrored her brushed their hair behind their ear. Her pale skin shone in the moonlight, almost as if she were glowing. Mirror-her looked happy, her brown eyes seemed to twinkle. However, she wasn't pleased. Jane passed the mirror, letting mirror-Jane be happy alone.

"Mom?" Jane opened the master room's door slowly, afraid her mother was asleep. "Yes, dear. Come in," Her mother's sharp but soft voice echoed across the empty room. Jane slowly walked towards the huge bed where her mother lay. "You...you called?" Jane wasn't necessarily scared of her mom, however, she was a little intimidated by her role in the family. "I...I have to ask you something," Anadil said, smiling. But her grin wasn't a joyful grin, it was cold. Hollow.

Jane cautiously approached, sitting down slightly on the bed. Anadil, to Jane's surprise, grabbed her and whispered into her ear so roughly, she could feel her breath, "Jane, you are powerful. I need you to join me." She let go of Jane.

Jane didn't even know what her mother was talking about when Anadil had asked for her to join her. But she knew Anadil was asking her to join the evil side.

Anadil nodded slightly and got up. Jane suddenly realized that Anadil had not covered her gleaming gray eyes. No one had ever seen Anadil's top half of her face, not even her dad, Kesler. Now, here Jane was, the first to see Anadil's eyes. Her mother gracefully swiped off the covers to reveal a long velvet dress. "It's a shame," Anadil whispered her gaze on the lamp that flickered when her eyes reached it. "We could've been such-" Anadil paused to think of a word, "-allies." She settled on.

Jane nodded, backing up. She didn't like the way her mother was acting. Then everything began to shift at a rapid pace. Anadil, shattering a mirror. Jane, trying to run but frozen with fear. Anadil, clutching a shard which caused blood to slip through her fingers. Jane screamed and then she woke up. Tears dripping from her face. Her shirt covered in sweat and her hair sticking on her face. She started bawling her eyes out. Terrified but determine. She just wanted to be a normal girl and stay alive. Half of her wanted to stay in this universe but the other half told her she needed to go back. Even if she was dead

Universe 999: a soul for a soul storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora