----------chapter 4---------

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----------chapter 4------

Jane shivered at the thought of this. She glared at the do ad then hid it in her closet it felt like she was being haunted. The whole time it was under her nose and she didn't even think to question whenever the doll's eyes changed. She couldn't really blame herself. She was really young at the time and just thought it was its normal feature. She didn't have time for this. She needed rest. She was gone for two days. Two days. The same scene again.

She watched her father asleep on the desk. She whimpered. As she looked in the mirror. She gasped as she saw herself. In that lavender nightgown. In the attic. "No...no..no no no!" she gasped and fell, falling on the floor and she started breathing heavily, panicking. 'NO!" she breathed out and then saw herself touching the mirror blood pooling out of her chest. Her other self murmured something to her and then she got pushed into a nightmare. But this time she knew what she saw wasn't a dream or a nightmare anymore. It was her. It was her. She was dead and the scene she saw in the portal cave was what actually happened. Still she didn't understand. She was dead in that universe. And she or her other self. Whatever was trying to warn her but the mirror. Didn't let her talk. She was warning herself!

And because she thought it was just a nightmare put everyone else in danger. She whimpered. '' Shoot! I'm so stupid! I didn't recognize it! It was real! Everything I saw was real!" she teared up panicking "I-IM DEAD IN MY ACTUAL UNIVERSE! My ''mother'' killed me!'' she gasped and ran out into her bedroom. Grabbing the crystals and curled up in bed. Sobbing. She couldn't handle the truth. She was killed because she has powers. Her mother is working for an evil society. She'd probably taken over the world by now.

Her whole life was a lie now. She panicked and rushed out of the house into the back door. She knew everything. The memories that were hers were fake. Her father is taking care of her. fake . her mom made all those memories because She thought she couldn't have seen behind the lies because she hid them so well. But those visions of the past. The memories of her dying over and over were clear.

It gave her determination. She needed to find out how to fix this. How to get back to her real dreaded world. It didn't matter that she was dead in that universe. This was a mess and she needed to save everyone by destroying this illusion her mother not mother made. She wasn't safe anymore. She wasn't supposed to know her mothers plan. She needed to plan something but act as normal as she could in the mean time no one in the world would believe her so she just needed to keep this to herself. The thought of this in her brain was terrifying. She was just another puppet to anadil and now a problem.

Universe 999: a soul for a soul storyWhere stories live. Discover now