~----chapter 1------~

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Jane was playing on the playground until she tripped on something and then she saw what she tripped on. She took it in her hand and rubbed it off to clean it. it was a shiny bright pink crystal that glimmered when you reached it up into the sun as she did.

Then she quickly put it in her bag ready to go home. going back with her father and rushing up the gleaming pearl stairs. As she quickly ran into her room.the crystal started to glow towards her closet. Then, a portal opened up. Jane gasped at the sight of it. As she looked inside it she saw something.

The portal was reaching into an eerie base. It looked like it had been abandoned. Jane knew it wasn't though it couldn't have been. The black furniture was too sleek for it to be old and abandoned . She carefully stepped out of the portal not wanting to set off any traps.. The room was strange; it smelled weirdly like smoke quickly looking for a way out of that strange place.

She bumped into some of the furniture and the exact same crystals and a cloaking device and a strange cloak that has a symbol on the arm but it smelled like ashes..She grabbed her bag and stuffed some of those crystals in. She had no idea what was going on. But the only thing Jane knew was that whoever was holding those crystals were bad and they could possibly be in the wrong hands if she didn't find that pink crystal which led to that horrifying base.

They all would've been in danger. So she quickly looked for an exit before anyone entered that base and tried to attack her''come on...come on.." she quickly looked into her bag. The crystals made a horrifyingly loud jingle. As she dug into her bag looking for that pink crystal that led her there. That could possibly let her out before she knew it. a lady wearing that exact same cloak as the one she saw before was getting nearer by the second.

Jane started panicking sweat beading her forehead as she finally dug out that crystal. Opening that portal again and accidently dropping one purple crystal. she gasped seeing the portal that led back into her bedroom. she tried swatting for it and peeked out the side of the portal. Trying to get at one of those crystals. It was too late. "No!" she gasped and then started looking out of it. quickly throwing the bag of crystals back in her room but as she looked up.

It was too late.. the lady had pale skin and blonde hair with gleaming red eyes looking straight into Jane's brown eyes. She gasped. She was definitely a member of that evil society. her cape looked exactly like the other that she found before. But, it was fancier, had gleaming silver fabric and the inside red velvet.

Jane couldn't believe it. the woman looked exactly like her. The woman's smile didn't seem genuine it seemed. Empty and looking into janes eyes intensely. The look seemed caring but it seemed she wanted something from jane. like she was boring into her eyes. She was the leader of that Empire

. she saw something in Jane and that something was power. like she had this power all tucked away.. hidden not like anyone else knew. Jane didn't even know what was going on at that time. "wh-who are you?" Jane stammered out sheepishly.

The woman didn't reply, she was just staring into her eyes and then Jane felt this massive headache.

Then a memory came rushing in. Jane cried at the blurry sight of her mother. The unidentified woman looked extremely like her but she was ignoring younger jane.

And then her mother disappeared out of sight. Jane was the only one who saw her leave at that time and didn't say anything. her mother told her father she would be going on an extremely long business trip. She lied. She ran off to keep an eye on her secret empire. The portal was closing and Jane had to get out quickly. The strange woman had tears in her eyes and then reached out for Jane. It was her mother but Jane couldn't believe it. tears started filling up her eyes but she ran into the portal grabbing the crystal and disappearing again. This was bad. They all were in danger and Jane was the one. Chosen to save everyone

Universe 999: a soul for a soul storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin