-----------chapter 3-------

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The woman didn't reply, she was just staring into her eyes and then Jane felt this massive headache. Then a memory came rushing in. Jane cried at the blurry sight of her mother. The unidentified woman looked extremely like her but she was ignoring younger jane.

And then her mother disappeared out of sight. Jane was the only one who saw her leave at that time and didn't say anything. her mother told her father she would be going on an extremely long business trip. She lied. She ran off to keep an eye on her secret empire. The portal was closing and Jane had to get out quickly. The woman had strange tears in her eyes and then reached out for Jane. It was her mother but Jane couldn't believe it. tears started filling up her eyes but she ran into the portal grabbing the crystal and disappearing again. It was bad. They were in danger and Jane was the one who had to fix it. After a while Jane sat on her bed. Trying to process what just happened and why she saw her mother who was supposingly on a business trip. Jane was angry and a tad bit happy but afraid. Then she chucked the bag inside of her closet making a terribly loud noise.

She sighed. She just saw the mother who abandoned her. It wasnt everyday that you realize your the chosen one and your dumb evil mother and the fact that YOU. Jane Friznee was chosen to literally save the freaking world. Average everyday things... NOT. Jane thought to herself. Why her tho? Why was she special? Literally every other kid could save the world but the universe just said oh let me just pick Jane because she seems special.! What a lie. ''This is so stupid but i guess im saving the world now!" jane shouted out and then looked at the bag of crystals and of course those stupid things were glowing again. Jane gasped as she saw it. Then the portal warped and warped til the color became a murky green but jane stepped in it and face planted on the cave wall.

''holy crap." she gazed around the cave full of portals and crystals. Jane even almost fell into one and she didn't even realize Jane had the pink crystal right in her pocket. Maybe that was her only way out but it was strange.

Like her mother really had wanted Jane to find that place.. Like her mother planned every..single thing that she found. It felt like she was being watched. It didn't make any sense at all if her mother planned this. Why would she be putting her own daughter in danger. Then it hit her like a bus. Jane wasn't her mothers daughter. She looked more like her father. ''No..that's not true.'' It was fine..

Jane knew that sometimes kids don't look like her mothers.! but .. still she it probably was the truth she knew she was switched out for another baby or she was stolen. She doubted her father.. If he was her real father. And then something switched in her brain. Getting forced into a memory that wasn't hers at all. Jane never understood why half of her memories felt like hers but most of them didn't.

Like someone was just sharing them with her. So. her mother wasn't her mother neither was her father. Then she got pushed headfirst into one of the portals. It was the memory that wasn't hers. It was anadil. Holding something up to another blonde little girl before striking down on her. Crimson red blur smudged the portal but then she felt something warm and red drip onto the foot of her shoe.

She gasped it looked like it was blood. it was exactly like what jane saw in her dreams but this time it wasn't alternate universe her. It was another girl that looked exactly her age and exactly like her "mother and father'' anadil was crying as she saw what she did. She planned it perfectly though. Then she did something with her hands on his head before wiping Every.Single.Memory. He had that little girl who was his real daughter. Jane was shocked. Her mother. Was cold. A killer even. A shiver went down her spine. She wanted to leave this nightmare and run back to her normal life . Give up on trying to save everyone. Then, it turned into her own twisted nightmare. The thing she saw there was horrifying. It was the vision she saw that was Her. vividly, twisting over and over as she saw her own face, her other self's body

. Limp. like that other little girl that seemed like she really was her age. The scene played over and over. It was on loop. Jane screamed and cried in desperation trying to get out of that horrifying nightmare. Jane's final breaking point had to be when she stepped into her other self's pool of blood. Her eyes widened and she was terrified. She let out a blood curdling scream and hastily pulled out the crystal out of her pocket. Her mother was a killer. Jane knew she was chosen to save the world for a reason because of it. She got pushed into another sliver of a memory. It was the girl's name. Her mother crying over a picture of the girl and then she heard the name ''lily..'' from her mothers surprisingly sweet voice as she cried over her.


Jane ran and ran as fast as she could. Pulling out the pink crystal. Taking herself out of that nightmare. As soon as she got home it was dark. It was midnight as she checked the clock.'' I was gone that long?" She quickly peeled off her sweat soaked clothes and showered before running into her fathers room checking on him. He was probably worried sick about her. She knew he thought she was his only daughter and she felt selfish as she thought she wouldn't want to have to tell him. It would be cruel not to tell her ''father'' about her real daughter. She didn't have to deal with that right now. She just wanted some sleep. So, she quickly grabbed a blanket from her room and curled up on the couch in his room/office. She sighed and hoped she wouldn't have any more nightmares or visions.

Whatever but boy she was wrong. This time it was worse than the original thing she saw. It was terrifying. It was her mother surrounding her aiming straight for her and then the girl.Lily who looked 14 was in a doll. Glaring at her then she jolted awake. ''That doll..'' she thought ''no..no no no..!" She ran into her room. Yanked the doll from her up position. The doll originally had soulless black eyes with a soft featured face.But, this time the doll had piercing blue eyes. She couldn't believe it. She didn't pay much attention to the doll when she was little or think it was weird. But now that she had the vision.

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