----chapter 2----

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Jane sat on her bed for the past minute. trying to figure out why she saw her mother but she was acting strange. it wasn't unusual that her mother was like distant away from jane. it was wayyyy weirder than that. her mother.

who was supposed to be away was in a creepy base with the strange crystals that could teleport her anywhere they wanted to. and the fact that the pale pink crystal was all glowy when she held it meant that she. Jane a 12 year old who cant even play sports was chosen now to save the world from her mother and the people in that creepy asociation. Why her though? she is just a wimpy 12 year old but this must be for a reason'' I'm supposed to save the world now..

" she breathed out as she stared at herself in the mirror. the only person she'd be willing to save the world for was her father. kesler. he was the only one that didn't abandone her and he didn't even leave her alone. he was always there fore jane.

Saving the world for him would be completely worth if it she saved her own father and maybe half of the town or the world. Then, one of the crystals started glowing. she gasped and ran towards the closet. Watching the portal unravel again in a empty storage unit. Jane was terrified of it. it was so dark and creepy it probably was the same place that strange place it also smelled like ash. "gross" she pulled a mask on because the stench was so strong. she also grabbed a baseball bat running into the storage unit. Flicking on her flashlight she saw someone sprinkling ashes around the storage and then saw something strange. it looked like some sort of wepon but as soon as jane saw it.''holy...crap"

it was a giant crystal like a blueprint. one jane saw years ago before her mother left. she saw someone in a cloak and ran behind the unit. grabbing her base ball bat. trembling and closing her eyes before swinging it at full force actually knocking something down. she looked down. horrified watching the persons unconscious body. alerting the others making it obvious someone was there and She just knocked out a full grown person who was going to attack her any minute. ''welp-time to leave!'' just before she was stopped by her mother and a few other people in cloaks hiding their faces. ''j-jane look at how much you've grew!...the last time I saw you was when you were just a little girl!"

Jane looked at her with the look of determination in her eyes'' i guess you found out my little secret.." Jane clutched her bat, ready to swing any second now. "wont you join me and leave your father alone?" Jane shook her head.'' I'm not joining anything you'd want me in. you left me and my father. ill never. Ever. Join the likes of you" jane snapped back with the bat in her hand ''just like your father. Always choosing the hard way.'' she sighed and snapped her fingers making the other members jump out of the shadows to attack jane.

Jane swung and hit several of them. she gasped as she felt a brand new surge of energy. but if she was gone long. she would have worried her father. jane gasped as she saw half of the faces of the villain's. they were her friends parents. she couldn't belive it. her mother was there and she need to leave and leave soon. she dug out a crystal and as the portal opened her mother had the same sad look on her face. Her mother was the threat and she and her needed to stop them permanently before they take over everything and everyone. but jane had to worry about something else. telling her friends about this but they'd belive jane once she showed them. jane needed them.

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