Chapter 67- Sharp Edges

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Severus rose at the crack of dawn, dressed in silence and then headed up to the Headmaster's tower to retrieve the man's pensieve. While Albus was more than happy to loan it to him, when he asked why it was needed, Severus balked at telling him the truth.

It occurred to him in that instant exactly what his position in this world had become - he was Harry's bondmate. That superseded all other bonds of loyalty. It was his duty to protect Harry at all cost, and while he didn't believe that the Headmaster was any threat to Harry, this was something that should ultimately remain private. The world needed to be able trust Harry absolutely, and Severus knew that Dumbledore believed that Harry was ultimately being guided by some greater force. Dumbledore's belief in that higher power was one of his main sources of strength. And Severus knew that Harry needed Dumbledore to be strong - needed that perhaps more than anything.

"The Dark Mark," Severus blurted out in lieu of an answer. When Albus frowned, Severus elaborated. "I wanted to review the memory of my Marking. I don't remember it clearly and I can't help but wonder if there was any hint of what it truly meant."

"Do you believe you might find a way to remove it?" Albus asked curiously.

Severus just shrugged. "I don't know. But I have to find out if it is a threat to Harry - if my bond to the Dark Lord is a danger to him." It was actually a good idea, Severus thought as he spoke the words. Perhaps there was something in the spell that created the Mark that would aid him in his search for knowledge.

Albus nodded, accepting his answer. "Good luck, my boy," he told him. "Let me know if you need anything."

Returning to his own quarters, Severus set up the pensieve on the coffee table in front of the fire. He also collected an unbreakable vial that could be used to store memories safely. He could only hope that this particular memory was retrievable - and that removing it would do what he prayed it would do.

He didn't have long to wait. Harry, dressed and ready for the school day, emerged from their bedroom a short time later. He gave Severus a rather vacant smile as he headed automatically toward the tea pot near the hearth. The emptiness in that smile spoke volumes to Severus - how could he have failed to see what Harry was going through yesterday? He cursed himself for not watching more closely.

"Harry, come here and sit down for a moment," Severus told him, motioning toward the couch in front of the coffee table where the pensieve was waiting. Though in the process of preparing his morning tea, Harry immediately abandoned the job and sat down on the couch. The fact that he didn't even hesitate to do so worried Severus. Harry had never been so agreeable.

Harry glanced briefly at the pensieve and blinked, momentarily looking thoughtful. But that expression faded back into the mild smile and he looked back up at Severus, waiting expectantly.

Frowning Severus sat down beside Harry. "Do you recognize this?" Severus asked, pointing at the stone pensieve. If nothing else the boy should be curious about it - the stone bowl had elaborate carvings all over it and radiated a sense of magic.

"It looks like Dumbledore's pensieve," Harry replied, as if it were a common item.

"Right," Severus nodded. At least the boy was familiar with the object, though he was uncertain when he might have learned what it was. "You know that it is meant for storing memories, right?"

Harry nodded.

"I want you to put a memory in it for me, Harry," Severus continued.

Harry blinked at him, but had no further reaction. Frustrated, Severus frowned. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Severus," Harry nodded agreeably.

When he made no further move to do anything, Severus sighed and reached for Harry's left arm, pulling the boy's wand from the holster he wore beneath his shirt sleeve. He firmly placed the wand in Harry's right hand, noting the way the boy looked at it rather bemusedly. "Do you trust me, Harry?" Severus asked.

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