Chapter 13:Confessions

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"Suho?" He was wearing the same suit he wore the night of Formals. But what is he doing here? This is my dream. I look around, there are willow trees everywhere and I was standing on a pathway. A pathway that only leads me to him. I slowly made my way towards him, his eyes shone as his lips curved into a smile. He held out his hand, his hands felt warm when I took it. The weird thing about this dream is doesn't feel like a dream at all. It feels —real.

"I'm glad to know you're okay, Min Hee." He said, his voice was soft and gentle. "How are you feeling?" he asked, squeezing my hands.

"I feel fine." I replied, confused. He sounds so worried, as if something bad happened to me. "Nothing's wrong with me."

"Well, in your dreams you probably feel fine but in reality you aren't." Suho said. "I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything to save you. I could have done something but for some reason I was fading and disappearing. So I had no choice but to get into your friend's mind. I don't know I have that ability until now. I managed to tell him that something bad happened to you. I told him you're in the pool. And saved you."

What was he talking about? Something bad happened to me? How come I can't remember anything? I open my mouth to say something when something odd was happening to Suho, he was fading.

"My time is up, I'll see you soon Min Hee." Then he faded and everything turned dark once again.

"Min Hee?" A familiar voice called. I opened my eyes slowly, meeting the eyes of Kris. His eyes suddenly made me remember everything that had happened. Krystal pushing me into the pool, my hands and feet are tied together. Everything suddenly came back to me in an instant.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked, worriedly.

"Better. How long I've been here in the hospital." I replied, weakly. He suddenly looked down.

"Three days. You've been here three days Min hee."

Three days? I looked down at my bandaged wrist, this came from the tight ropes.

"I need you to be completely honest with me, Min Hee. Who did this to you?" Kris asked in a stern way.

I didn't answer when I should have avoid any suspicions, however I couldn't bring myself to lie.

"Please Min Hee, after the fact that you almost died! What if Chanyeol wasn't there to told that something happened to you — oh god! You don't have an idea how much I've been worried. I was beyond terrified. I-I thought I'll lose you too." Kris exclaimed.

I gave Kris an assuring smile. "I'll be fine. And I'm really thankful for what you two did for me, I owe you my life. But if you don't mind, I'd like to go home now. My Mom must freaking out right now." I said, sternly.

"Okay, do you want me to call —"

"No it's fine. I'll explain everything to her later." I interrupted. Kris looked at me, worried. Kris and Chanyeol had been very kind to me. Especially Kris, who've been a jerk (which had a dark story behind it) is unexpectedly became a kindhearted guy.


"You sure you can managed everything all by yourself?" Kris asked, parking his car in my driveway.

I nodded "Yeah, thanks again for everything." I said, stepping out of his car.

Kris gave me a smile. "Well, if you need anything or something happens, give us a call okay?"

I nod my head then head inside the house. As usual, the house was quite and still. There's no one home, not even Sunny or Suzy. I head upstairs to my room to change Kris's clothes he had lent me. I quickly got changed into my own clothes then laid on my bed. I placed my blanket over my body, thinking about my dream earlier. I no longer feel like it was a dream, it was real. Maybe he want to talk to me and getting on my mind was his only choice. 'I'll see you soon Min Hee'. I really wish you were here right now. Where are you? I really need him, especially at times like this. I'm really scared. Unexpected tears rolled down my cheeks, probably the fear that I should have let out that night. I know she despised me that she can put dead squirrel on my locker, cut my hair while sleeping but — killing me?

"Min Hee?" A familiar voice yelled.

I jolted up to see Suho instead of Sunny. Tears starts to flow like a river down to my cheeks, I can no longer stop it. I brought my hands up to my face, I don't want Suho to see me cry, to see me that I'm weak. I haven't cried since Dad died. I had to put on the bravest face I could pull off in front of my Mom and Hye Rin. I shouldn't cry because if I did, I wouldn't able to comfort each other. They needed someone who was strong and one who doesn't cry — but what they didn't know was that I wanted to cry so much. I wanted to freak out like they did. I wanted to let everything out but I didn't for their sake. I pretended to be strong even I'm broken.

"Don't." Suho pulled my wrists away from my face. He sat next to me, wrapping his arms around me. "Don't hide it anymore. I'm right here Min Hee. I will never leave — I promise." he whispered.

I buried my face on Suho's chest and crying my heart out. I can his soft heart beat. I'm glad that Suho was with me, comforting me in every way he can. It was about half an hour since his arrival when I finally pulled away. I wiped my tears with my sleeves and sat Indian style. Suho had a concerned look on his face and a sad look on his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, voice choking as I spoke. "You see that side of me. I didn't mean it to come out of me."

Suho shook his head. "Min hee, the more you hide those feelings inside you, the more pain you will feel. I know how hard to tell someone about something but you're scared of letting the words out — trust me I do. But eventually, you'll have to let those words out because in the'll regret it." A sad expression crossed his face.

"If you have something to say or want to let some out, now's the time." Suho said. "I will listen to every single word you say."

I ran my finger through my hair and stared at my feet. "Ever since Dad died, not once did a single tear came out of my eyes. My Mom and my sister were both devastated after Dad's death and I was too. They're always crying and I couldn't bring myself to do the same no matter how much the tears wants to escape." My voice shook a little. "They need someone to lean on and I had to be that person. So I bottled up everything, every tears, every words...every feeling I his them all — not until now."

I slowly brought my head up to look at him. "I've never trusted anyone as much as I trust you Suho. And...right now I feel miserable acting like this in front of you." I force laugh.

"Don't be." Suho lift a hand and touch my face. "You mean so much to me and I — I was terrified the other day. I thought — I thought you're dead." He laughed, a laugh that was mixed up with sadness and frustration. "I wanted to save you when you called me that day. I heard your voice on my head that day but I couldn't do anything to save —"

"You saved me Suho. If it wasn't for you telling Chanyeol that something bad happened to me. And it doesn't matter if you save me...physically. What matters to me is you saved me Suho, whether in a physically or in a mentally way."

Slowly, I brought a hand up towards Suho's face, wondering if I could be able to touch him. Suho closed his eyes the moment my fingertips touch his skin. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes. Our faces are inches apart and all I wanted is to close this gap between us.

"Do you remember the promise that we made each other?" Suho whispered.

I nod my head as we slowly lean on each other, both looking down at each other's lips.

"Well, you're about to find out who that girl is." He breathes out.

I can't hide my feels when writing this chapter and ooohhh I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter!! I promise it'll be awesome! Hope you guys like it and don't forget to VOTE and leave some COMMENTS. Thank you very much for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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