Chapter 3:Sick~

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I jolted awake the minute I heard the glassy sound shattering followed by voices that I could not make out properly in my head. I sat up and hopped off my bed, wrapping one of my over-sized jacket around me as I ran down into out white, sturdy stairs. At this time, mom probably gone for work so who could it be inside the house beside me? The last thing I wanted was not to come across with any ghost on a Friday morning. But unfortunately I did, thanks to Sunny and Suho whom I saw in the kitchen with many broken pieces of glass on the floor. Wait, broken pieces? I glared madly at the two of them the moment I saw the broken glasses scattered on the floor.

“What are you two doing at six o’clock in the morning?” I yelled, angrily.

“I was just trying to teach Suho how to touch and carry an object, but I think he’s bad at it.” Sunny explained, turning to face Suho who was giving me an apologetic look.

“I told you to focus on the object! You can’t just grasp it and assume that you’ll be able to carry it! It doesn’t work that way, I’ve told you that like a hundred times!” Sunny yelled.

“I’m trying!” Suho said, attempting to carry another glass. He manage to carry it off the table a few inches away but suddenly dropped it again on the floor, pieces of drinking glass shattered all over the ground and neither of them two cared how many glass they broke. Sunny let out a loud sigh and told Suho to try again. At that moment, I finally lost my patience. I gently move aside all the remaining glass that we had and glared back at the two of them.

“Do you guys think that my family has a whole life supply of glasses?” I yelled.

“Look how many glasses you’ve broken already!” I said, pointing down at the shattered pieces of glasses on the ground.

“Uh-oh, she’s angry.” I heard Sunny whispered to Suho.

“I gotta go, bye guys!” Sunny said and disappeared before I could even say a word to her. Honestly that girl, she’s always causing trouble even she’s already 26 years old. I rolled my eyes and start picking up the broken glasses on the floor. Tiny pieces of it poke my finger, causing blood to gush out. However, I couldn’t feel a single pain. I felt nothing.

“Your finger is bleeding!” Suho said, worried.

“알라(I know)!” I said, ignoring the blood that was rushing out on my finger as I continued to pick glasses on the floor.

“Y-you’re not hurt?” Suho said, bending down beside me.

“No, I don’t really feel anything.” I said, staring blankly at my bleeding finger. Slowly, I glanced back at Suho who has a sad expression plastered on his face.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

“I cause this whole thing and I can’t even help you with your injury.” He added. Our eyes locked for what it seems like an eternity. What is it about him that is making me feel something inside me? No matter how hard I try not to think about it, it will come back in instant. I hate it and I don’t in the same time. I want to know what this feeling is all about.

“Suho, I told you already that I don’t feel anything” I began to say as I avoid his gaze.

“And beside I know that Sunny pushed you to do this, so don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault.” I said, standing up with a handful of broken glasses.

“But still I –“ he said and disappeared. I looked around but there no sign of his soul in the house.

“Pffft, why does he disappear in the middle of his sentence? He’s so weird.” I mumbled. Suho’s presence was no longer in the air and there was no sign of him at all. Where could he gone off to? I shrugged and continued on my morning cycle.

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