Diane/Oc (XI)

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I'm bacccckkkk

K'Zo (non g!p)

Diane didn't know what is was that made her fall for K'Zo. As far as Diane knew, she wasn't attracted to feminine energy or girls in general, but K'Zo did something to her. K'Zo was the perfect balance of honesty, goofy, and hardworking. Maybe that's what made her attractive. That or her amazing looks. Maybe her style. Diane would never know, but she also would've never thought K'Zo would feel the same way about her. It was unfathomable. But, of course, K'Zo suggested they get to know each other better before the did anything. And of course, Diane agreed.

But it was hard when the younger girl was right up under her, watching Netflix in her room.

K'Zo's eyes never left the screen. She looked like a kid in a candy shop. Her eyes looked so innocent, staring at the movie in front of her. Diane was wearing one of K'Zo's oversized shirts while K'Zo was just in her Hooter's PSD Underwear set. One thing about K'Zo, she got hot quickly and couldn't be too overdressed when going to bed which Diane found amusing,

"Why the fuck would she go in there?" K'Zo snaps softly. Diane hums, "I don't know, baby." She replies, equally as soft. A few seconds later, Diane felt K'Zo bury her face in the crook of her neck. This made Diane laugh slightly because she knew K'Zo only did this when she got flustered. K'Zo is a big softy and dork that stood 5'9" and Diane would never understand that, "You sure your parents don't care if I spend the night?" K'Zo asks.

Diane scoffs, "Please, my mom utterly adores you and my dad is just glad to have someone listen to him, you're more than welcome to stay." She points out. K'Zo flashes her breathtaking smile. That smile that made Diane fall for her, "Ouu, ok. I'm already in good with the parents." K'Zo semi jokes. Diane rolls her eyes, "Watch the movie." Diane could've sworn she heard an "Ok daddy." But she didn't say anything.

Then it hit her.

She had never been in a relationship with a girl before. And, K'Zo seemed so... submissive, in a way. Who would be the "dominant" one? K'Zo had the height and attitude to pull it off, but she has moments where she's just so not dominant and more so adorable,

"I've never been with a girl before." Diane says out of the blue. K'Zo hums softly, "Me either." She says, shocking Diane. K'Zo would tell anybody in a heart beat that she was bisexual, just to never be with a girl, "Then, how do you know?" Diane asks K'Zo. The darkskin beauty glances up at Diane through her lashes, "You just know. If it feels right to you, do it." She says, gently kissing Diane's neck.

The shorter girl shuddered slightly at the foreign feeling. This girl was doing things to her body that she thought her body wasn't even capable of. Diane had been so closed off and mean all her life, she never knew how good it felt to have a type of affection like this. Diane returned the same energy by running her nails up and down K'Zo's inner thigh. K'Zo let out a soft whimper before closing her legs slightly.

Diane trails soft kisses down K'Zo's neck, ignoring the dull ache in center, "B-Baby." K'Zo moved around a lot, her entire body heating up at Diane's touch and kisses. K'Zo wasn't new to this feeling, she's had sex before, she's been touched like this before. But, Diane made it feel so... different. She wasn't too rough and she wasn't forceful, like K'Zo was used to, "Mm." It took everything in K'Zo to gently push Diane away from her. The girl hid her face in her hand. She knew Diane would return the energy, but not this much. And the throbbing in her lower area was getting stronger. K'Zo ignored it though.

She and Diane were still in the talking phase. Them "accidentally" having sex while her parents and siblings were present was skipping over a bunch of phases.

Throughout the whole movie, K'Zo didn't once take her hand away from her face which had Diane confused. Was K'Zo really that embarrassed? She knew it wasn't K'Zo's first time, why was she so flustered when Diane touched her, "K'Zo?" The older girl earned a soft "mhm" from the other girl who's hand was over her face still, "Pass the remote." Diane says with a smirk. K'Zo playfully rolls her eyes and hands Diane the remote, not before gently kissing her lips. Diane blinked slightly before stuttering slightly. K'Zo smirked this time before looking at the screen. Diane gently touches her lips before shaking her head and preceding to put on another movie.

Part2?? Yay? Nay?

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