Diane/Oc (I)

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Patient pt. 1

"Bae, stop." Diane says, pushing her girlfriend of two years away from her. Londyn pouts, "You're not paying attention to me, Annie!" She says loudly. Diane sends Londyn a playful death stare, "You know I hate that name." She says softly. The dark skin girl shrugs with a goofy grin, "It's cute." She says. Diane rolls her eyes, "Go back to sleep or something." She says, going back to studying. Londyn huffs, "Man, all I get is neglected up in dis bitch." She mutters under her breath, clearing her throat when she notices Diane's mean side eye. Londyn shakes her head and takes of her shirt, revealing her black wifebeater, "Man, why is it always so damn hot in yo room, baby?" The younger teen asks. Diane looks Londyn up and down, "It's not hot in here, you just have too many layers of clothes on." She snaps, slowly getting annoyed at the fact her study session was constantly being interrupted. Londyn smirks slightly before slowly taking off her wifebeater.

She mentally laughs when she sees that she caught Diane's attention, even if for a brief second, "My parents are home, Londyn." She says lowly. Londyn scoffs, "Like that ever stopped us before..." She mutters, gently grabbing Diane's throat, "Junior misses you." Londyn says, grinning when she sees Diane shift slightly, "Especially you." She says, running her thumb across Diane's bottom lip, "Londyn." Diane says in a warning voice. Londyn rolls her eyes and pulls away from Diane, "Fuck, D! Loosen up a bit. You ain't gon get caught with me." She says. Diane let's out a frustrated breath, "You don't know that." She says.

Londyn groans, "What type of teenage having parents don't put a lock on their teenage daughter's door?" She asks loudly. Diane rolls her eyes, "Mine." She states. Londyn nods, "Why you not out to your parents yet?" She asks. The glasses wearing girl closes her book, "We're not about to go over this again." She says. Londyn huffs, "Yeah, we are. We been together for two years, D! Ion like hidin our relationship, I wanna show everyone that you mines, point blank." She rants. Diane nods, "I do too." She say softly.

The tattooed girl leans back, "Then, tell your parents you're bi." Diane bites her lip making Londyn groan, "Diane-" "You said you would be patient with me-" "And I am, baby! I am, I love you so much, but I'm not trying to hide no more." Londyn says, "Look... I'm not gonna pressure you to tell-" "You are though!" Diane cuts in angrily. Londyn was trying her hardest to not get mad. On one hand, she knew that coming out was hard (even though she was born with a dick), but she hated having to sneak around and the only time they really just do couple stuff is when Diane comes over to her house.

Londyn raises her hands, "You know what-" She grabs her shirts off the ground, "-I'm not finna argue with you, D." Londyn says, pointing at Diane with her shirts in her hand. Diane throws her hands up, "I hate it when you fucking say that because we always argue!" She says. Londyn puts on her wifebeater, "Because you're always edging on the fucking argument! Just don't say shit after it!" She snaps. Diane stands up, "Frankly, I don't know who the FUCK you think you talking to!" She says, her face twisting up.

Londyn frowns slightly. She and Diane had never really had a VERY serious argument, just petty ones that they would either make up the next day or in the next hour. This didn't seem like one of those arguments, "Frankly-" Londyn mocks, switching into her asshole mode, "-I'm talkin to you! Just shut the fuck up after I say I don't wanna argue!" She blurts out. Diane looked at Londyn as if she was crazy, "First of all, take that fuckin bass out yo voice! Second of all, you always do this after the coming out conversation, it's a fucking routine for you!" She snaps. Before Londyn knew it, she said, "Well, maybe because I don't wanna be with a bitch who ain't out yet!"

Diane pauses before looking at the taller girl, disbelief and hurt evident in her eyes. Londyn's eyes went wide, "Baby-" "Get out." Diane says lowly. Londyn walks closer to her, "I didn't mean-" before Londyn knew it, a book was thrown at her chest, "Get out!" Diane shouts, "GET OUT!" She shouts. All the shouting made Diane's parents rush upstairs, "Baby, what's the matter?" Rainbow asks frantically. Londyn winced, "D, I'm sorry-" "Get out!" Diane yells again. Londyn heard nothing but hurt in the older girl's voice as she threw something else at her. That's when she noticed the tears that were trailing down Diane's face, "Yo, Diane, calm down." Zoey says but that fell on deaf ears to the younger sibling as she threw something else at Londyn, "GET THE FUCK OUT!" Diane shouts.

Londyn nods stiffly, "Alright." She says softly before stumbling out of the room, almost running into Junior. Before Rainbow could scold Diane for using such words, the younger girl broke down in her mom's arms. Junior, Zoey (who was visiting from college), and Jack looked at each other, "Whatever happened between Londyn and Diane must've been serious." Jack says softly as he watched his parents comfort his distraught sister. Zoey nods, "I mean, they've been close friends since 4th grade, it had to have been if it has our baby sister this upset." She says.

The taller girl clutches her shirt as she walked down the street to her house, feeling nothing but pain rush through her chest. And not just physical pain. She hurt the only person that ever gave a damn about her. Not only did she call Diane out her name, she basically implied that she didn't want Diane (which was far from the truth). Londyn rubs her eyes harshly, trying to stop the tears that wanted to fall. She didn't deserve to cry. Not after what she said. So she called the one person she knew she could talk to.

This was painful to write I swear😭 it's gonna get better.

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