The Grey's of Suffolk Territory

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Sir Reginald Grey traveled with Lord Patrick William Howard on board the USS Excalibur on April 30, 2153 along with many other prominent families.

Sir Reginald Grey married Lady Elizabeth Hastings and they had several children, Lord Reynolds Reginald Grey and Lady Ida Grey, Lord Edward Grey and Lord John Grey.

Sir Reginald Grey's eldest son, Lord Reynolds Reginald Grey married Lady Constance Holland and they were the parents of Lord George Grey, and Lord George Grey married Lady Eleanor Neville and they were the parents of Lord Anthony Grey who married Lady Katherine Herbert who had Lord Edmund Grey, Duke of Suffolk Territory and his wife, Lady Georgina Spencer Churchill and they had three daughters, Lady Katherine Georgina Grey, her father's heiress, Lady Mary Henrietta Grey, and Lady Ida Georgette Grey.

Lord Edmund Grey was a direct descendant of Queen Elizabeth Woodville and her first husband, Lord John Grey of Groby and their son, Lord Thomas Grey, Marquess of Dorset whose son, Lord Henry Grey married Lady Frances Brandon who was the granddaughter of King Henry VII of England through his youngest daughter, Princess Mary Rose.

Suffolk Territory is the third largest territory on Star-Base 12 and settled by Sir Reginald Grey in 2165.

It borders south of Norfolk Territory and Southwest of Bedford Territory and the east of Essex territory and southeast of Lennox Territory on Star-Base 12.

In between were tiny territories of Lancaster and. Marlborough.

Lord Edmund Grey marries the very beautiful Lady Georgina Spencer-Churchill in 2268, and Lady Katherine is born in 2270, Lady Mary Henrietta is born in 2273, and Lady Ida is born in 2275.

Lord Edmund Grey became Duke of Suffolk Territory in 2270 upon the death of his father, Lord Anthony Grey at the age of 20 years old at the same time Lord Richard William Carey and Lord Thomas William Howard became Dukes of Bedford and Northumberland Territory.

The laws of succession were changed on Star-Base 12 by Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory in 2275, with the birth of Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard, and Lady Katherine Grey would be the first Duchess of Suffolk Territory in her own right.

Lord Edmund's oldest daughter, Lady Katherine marries Lord Timothy Christopher Beck in 2294 and she gives birth to Lady Edmee Georgina Grey, in 2296, and Lord David Edward Christopher Beck III in 2301, Lady Mary Henrietta Grey marries Lord Frederick William Howard III in 2289, and in 2290 she gives birth to Lord William Frederick, in 2295, she gives birth to Lord Frederick William IV, and in 2300 she gives birth to Lady Mary Henrietta Howard.

Lady Ida Georgette marries Lord Thomas William Howard in 2293, and in 2295 she gives birth to Lord Phillip Edward Howard, in 2300 she gives birth to Lady Ida Georgina Howard, and in 2305 she gives birth to Lord Andrew Charles Howard II, but at the same thing his third cousin, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart name their son after his paternal grandfather, Lord Andrew Charles Howard, who was named for his father's favorite uncle, Lord Andrew Charles Howard who is Lord Thomas William's great-grandfather, and Lord Anthony Christopher named his second son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard II as well.

They are both third cousins once removed for each other as their great-great-great-grandfather's are brothers to each other and they are half cousins to Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Benjamin Lawrence as Lord Richard William Carey great-grandmother is their sister, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard.

Thus the Howard's, Beck's, Grey, and Carey's are connected through Lord Frederick William Howard Senior and one of his four children, Lord Frederick William II, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

Two of Lord Frederick William and Lady Mary Henrietta sons , Lord William Frederick married Lady Sophia Dorothea in 2312 and Lady Karissa Ann married his younger brother, Lord Frederick William IV in 2317.

Lady Sophia Dorothea is Lady Karissa Ann aunt and she is five years older than her niece, and Lady Sophia Dorothea and Lord William Frederick have a daughter in 2315, Lady Patricia Eugenie Howard, 2320, a son, Lord William Frederick II, and a second daughter, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard in 2325.

Lady Karissa Ann Howard marries Lord Frederick William Howard in 2318 and Lady Karissa Ann gives birth to Lady Victoria Elizabeth in 2320, Lord Frederick William Howard V in 2325 and in 2330, Lady Susan Virginia Howard.

Lady Catherine Beck nee Grey becomes Duchess of Suffolk Territory in 2320 at the death of her father, Lord Edmund Grey at the age of 60 years old, and she governs Suffolk Territory from 2320 until 2360 and she dies at the age of 80 years old and she is succeeded by her granddaughter, Lady Iodine Mary Grey who was born in 2340.

Lady Karissa Ann Howard, 2nd Duchess of Norfolk TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now