The Collins of Bedford Territory

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The Collins family started with Lord Joshua Collins in 1841 and he came from Liverpool, England and his family were into the fishing industry and it was a very lucrative business and with his wife, Lady Naomi Collins and Lord Joshua Collins had one brother, Lord Jeremiah Collins and Lord Joshua and Lady Naomi had two children, Lord Barnabas and Lady Sarah Collins and Lord Joshua Collins had a sister, Lady Abigail Collins.

It was Lord Joshua Collins great-great-great-grandson, Lord Joshua Collins III that travels on the USS Constantinople with The Becks and The Cravens in 2170 and they settle in Bedford Territory while Lord Phillip Carey is Duke of Bedford Territory and with his wife, Lady Charity Trask and it Lord Joshua and Lady Charity that have two son, Lord Edward and Lord Desmond Collins in 2175 and 2180 and through them they have each have a son, Lord Christopher and Lord Jeremiah Collins and Lady Elizabeth Collins and they marry each other and have two daughters, Lady Josette and Lady Isabella Collins.

Lord Jeremiah and Lady Elizabeth in a country manor in the foothills of Bedford Territory name Collins-wood Manor.

They are very formal, very conservative, and they live a very quiet but reclusive life in the country in the manor of Collins-wood.

Lady Elizabeth sends her two daughters to live at Madame Boarding House under Madame Claudia Valois and that is where Lady Josette and Lady Isabella meet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard when she arrives on Star-Base 12 before she marries Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

Lady Josette Collins is married to Lord John Seymour, Duke of Somerset Territory and Lady Isabella Collins marries Lord Kevin Thomas Riley, Marquess of Alexandria Territory and it is their sons that married the eldest daughter of Lord Patrick William Howard II and Lady Patricia Charlene Stafford and Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard nee Lowell.

The Collins carry with them many so-called curses imposed on them by witches, and gypsies like vampires, witches, and werewolves.

Before Pre-World War Three, their English manor in colony Massachusetts was cursed by Angelique Dubois who was jealous of her mistress, Lady Josette Dupree from Martinique, West India at the time a colony of England and also with a young woman name Lady Laura Collins who was banished by Lord Desmond Collins but the story goes she appears every 100 years like a Phoenix bird.

The Collin family continues to live through Lady Josette and her husband, Lord John Seymour and Lady Isabella and her husband, Lord Kevin Thomas Riley Senior. 

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