Chapter 2

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I was sound asleep

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I was sound asleep. "Amethyst wake up we're here." My father said as he shook me. I got up looking at the seat. It was covered in blood. I didn't say anything. I got out the car slamming it shut. I didn't even dare to look at my father who was now back in the drivers seat. "Amethyst I'm sorry, just know i still love you and that you are still my daughter" i heard my father say. I ignored him while i laughed at his remark. I walked up the porch stairs going into the house i now stayed at.

"MOM IM HERE" i yelled. Silence. Was all i heard of course she isn't home. I said to myself as i walked up to my room. My moms house was nice she finally decided that she wanted to become a nurse, making her make more money than she did her last two jobs. I was proud of my mom the only thing i hated was that she didn't change as a person she was still little miss guys before my daughter. Type of girl, and i hated it because when she wasn't home she was out with a guy, sometimes she would even live at there place while i was here to visit making me just stay in the house all day sad and depressed.

I walked in the kitchen to see if she left a note, and to my luck she did.

Hey baby girl your dad already told me everything not going to lie i am disappointed in you, but i am not going to be at home for awhile because I'm at berry's. Ill send you money every week so don't worry. Love you lots xoxo oh and btw you start school on Monday so be ready by then!
                    Love, mommy

Berry is her now husband, or should i say sugar daddy. I don't know why my mom is with him after all the things he has done to me but i already explained what type of girl she was a few chapters ago. He's also really abusive but she doesn't care. I see why my dad sent me here im just like her in a way. I really don't care that my mom is disappointed in me because i was way more disappointed in her when she decided to keep me and not get an abortion.

Having the whole house to myself sounded fun but it was kind of depressing being in a big place with no friends, on house arrest, i was just alone. I already knew what school i was going to, it was piper high-school one of the ghettoest schools you could go to. But at least i would hopefully fit in somewhere. I walked up the long steps, going to my room. I had my own bathroom, so i grabbed my towel going in the bathroom to take my shower. I stood in the shower as i watched the clear water turn into blood. I starred as i watched it satisfyingly go down the drain.

I had finally gotten out the shower after a few hours because the hot water started to make me light headed. When i looked in the mirror i was disgusted with the reflection of my image, my eye was swollen and i had a big cut across my cheek. I then brushed my teeth and washed my face going back to my room and getting dressed. Today sucked i hated my life everything about it just made me want to give up, i felt as if i was a few seconds away from committing.

I then sat down on my bed, and grabbed my vape, I couldn't smoke any weed so i was kind of mad but it is what it is ig. I grabbed my journal and pen writing down all of my thoughts in a third person poem.

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