1 🫐 See You Again

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Ivy's POV (will be for the rest of the fic)

I should have been nervous about being in a new country. I should have been nervous about changing coaches or the training center. I should have been nervous about a million other things and yet my brain hyper-focused on one thing and one thing only. Finally meeting him.

We met somewhat many times before, passing by at competitions, attending the same galas, or even some ice shows. Those would have given me the most chances to actually talk to him, but my stupid ass always decided to panic and avoid any interactions, only stealing random glances in his direction when he wasn't looking.

And now, I was standing in front of TCC, shifting weight from one foot to another about to share way more than a glance. Actual training time on the same ice. On a daily basis.

With a shaky exhale I rubbed my sweaty palms against my jeans, straightened up, fixed my ponytail for one last time, and walked in.

With my chin raised high I marched to the reception but before I could say anything, I heard my name yelled across the hall.

"IVY!!!!" I turned in an instant, watching my friend Nam hurrying to me before squeezing me into a tight hug. "I should have known you would be early as always!"

"I don't like being late," I let out in a strangled voice and he let go of me, hopefully not messing up my hair or make-up. I needed to look perfect. Who knows if he ever registered me before. I had to make sure I made the best first impression.

"Don't worry, he isn't here yet," Nam chuckled and I once more regretted ever telling him about my secret crush. He treated it as if it was something amusing instead of something that will surely be my doom. I was supposed to focus on the upcoming Olympics and instead, I was anxiously looking around, fearing the moment he will walk through the door and I will melt into a pathetic puddle.

Nam was my friend for years and with my tendency of spilling my guts to anyone who was willing to listen, he ended up learning way too many of my secrets.

"Brian and Tracy are already on the ice," he waved his hand in front of my face and I snapped back to him, flashing him a nervous smile.

"Good, we already talked the details through."

"Awesome sauce, then let me take you to the locker rooms so you can get all geared up for your Don Juan." He poked my shoulder with a devilish smile, earning a smack that he dodged just in time.

The locker room was empty and I wondered if I was the only girl here. That would surely play in my favor in reducing the number of rivals. He was surrounded by squealing girls at every competition but if I would be the only girl here, it would give me a point of advantage. As long as I managed not to squeal. And the possibility of that happening was still 50/50.

When I was changed and ready, I hesitantly peeked into the hallway, looking from side to side. The air was clear and I sneaked out, hurrying to the rink. Maybe he would already be there?

"Ah, there she is!" I heard Brian's voice as soon as I got to the rink but after a quick scan of my surroundings, the one I was hoping to see wasn't there. Yet.

"Looking for anyone?" Brian asked and I shook my head, blabbering something about just looking around. "Well, Nam is already on the ice, so you can join him. As you know, your partner Marco will be here only tomorrow."

I smiled with a nod and sat down, putting on my skates and tying the laces. I was taking deep breaths in, and breathing out through my nose to calm my racing heart.

"You okay, Ivy?" Tracy came up to me and sat down on the bench. "You are usually very...um--"

"Chatty? Hyperactive? Unstoppable?" I finished for her, both of our faces spreading into a grin.


"Well," I stood up, fixing my ponytail, "it's just a big change. That's all."

I lied my ass off, but at least she seemed to believe me, giving me a soft smile. "You have been here for many summer camps before, and I assure you we will do our best to get you and Marco the golden medal you guys deserve."

"I know, I know," I replied and bit my lip. I didn't want to lie to her but there was no chance I would admit I was nervous about a guy. "It's just, also new people and all that. But it will be fine."

"Oh, no need to worry, everyone is looking forward to having you here. You already know Nam anyway. And Yuzu with Javi should be here soon."

She looked to the entrance and my heartbeat quickened at the sound of his name. "Yuzu always comes last minute, but always on time. And Javi, well, he is Javi. Every time he is late one of Brian's hairs turns grey." She laughed and I instinctively glanced at Brian, chuckling with her when I saw he had almost no brown hair left.

I got on the ice and spent the next half an hour trying to recall the exact way we did warm-up whenever I came over for the training camps. Eventually, it all came back to me more easily than I expected, and soon I was matching Nam with each of his strokes. It was nice. To be on the ice again. My mind clearing up and refocusing on what's important. Winning gold. The breeze on my face was calming and ---


I fucking face-planted. The moment I caught sight of him my stupid toepick caught on the ice and sent me down to my knees. After all the planning, picking up an outfit for an hour, bothering with a youtube make-up tutorial, curling my hair that never holds curls anyway. I fucking face-plant the moment he walks into the rink. Somebody kill me. Please.

"You alright?" Nam is instantly by my side, helping me get up but I can still hear the amusement in his voice.

"I'm fine." I snap back and start dusting the ice off my clothes.

"Amaze-balls," he says enthusiastically, not catching onto my irritation, "now please pretend you are normal. For my sake. 'Cause he is skating over."

"What?!" I raise my head so fast I almost fall over backward, suddenly face to face with the guy who was keeping me up for the past few nights.

"Hey," he says with his adorable accent, and all the words I rehearsed are gone. All I manage is to stare. He is tall. Not as tall as Marco, but taller than me. Which is like every guy I know but still, he is different-tall. Better-tall. He is so close I can touch him just by extending my arm. And I would kill to be able to run my hand over his well-built shoulders. His dark eyes are so deep I could stare into them for hours, even darker up-close like this than when I saw him the last time.

"Hi?" He repeats and I realize I am staring at him like an idiot. I open my mouth to say something but all the air leaves my lungs the instant I try to speak.

Oh god, oh god, oh god.

I feel like I can't breathe, my hand shooting to my chest and I hang my head to tear my gaze from those damn eyes of his.

"You okay?" He asks with genuine worry and I manage to only stutter something incoherent.

"Oh, don't worry," I hear Nam say and a second later he is pushing me away, "she is just being Ivy."

When we are out of earshot, Nam lets go of me and slowly shakes his head in disbelief. "Seriously?"

"S-sorry." My speech slowly returns but there is still dull drumming in my ears from how fast my heart is racing. "I messed up so bad."

"You didn't." He laughs and puts a consoling hand on my shoulder as if that could fix the massive screw-up I just did.

I can't believe it.

I had a freak-out like some silly fangirl.

In front of The Javier Fernandez.

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