9 🫐 Chapter 9

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When we get to the rink I'm much calmer than I expected, probably due to Yuzuru who walked with me, his presence always settling my nerves. He could be as chaotic as I was but unlike me, he seemed to have it pretty much under control, only letting himself loose when we were alone and not in public. I couldn't help but admire that side of him but also wondered how much of it is because he had to suppress it, having nobody around who spoke Japanese.

He hands me my phone back only once we get inside the building and we part, each going to our respective locker rooms. As soon as he disappears around the corner I unlock the phone, a bit worried when I see Javi hasn't written anything else since then. I hope I didn't anger him by ignoring him and I raise my head from the phone just in time to avoid bumping into the devil himself.

He's leaning against the wall of the ladies' locker room, hands stuffed in his pockets and an eyebrow raised as if to say 'took you long enough to show up'.

"Hey," he starts with his usual greeting and I smirk, nodding his way. "So what exactly did I do wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"I asked you out. You didn't reply."

"Oh, you asked me out?" I ask, playing dumb. "Sorry, couldn't tell from the text."

He lets out a sigh but I still see a little spark of playfulness flashing through his eyes before he gets all serious and pushes himself off the wall. He closes the small distance between us and takes both of my hands into his, holding them in his warm palms as he raises them between us. "Ivy," he says my name in a low tone, smirking when he sees what effect it has on me. "Would you do me the honors and go on a date with me?"

"T-That I could do." I clear my throat, quickly collecting my composure. "So you are willing to accept my terms?"



"Saturday then? Lunch?"

"Sounds fine."

He nods and lets go of my hands and I already miss his touch as I watch him walk away, my whole body on fire but my palms freezing cold.

The rest of the week passes by in a blur, anxiety, and excitement playing as my constant companions. The only times I'm able to stop fidgeting and actually relax is whenever Yuzuru comes over and we watch some Tokyo Ghoul. I'm getting increasingly more invested in the show and he almost gets a heart attack when I ask if I can watch some episodes when he isn't around. I hurry to promise I won't and only after he makes me swear does he truly calms down, though still eyes me suspiciously. I don't bring up Javi in our conversations anymore but he does ask on some occasions, giving me chances to mini-vent which I truly appreciate since I know it's his least favorite topic.

When Saturday comes I'm all ready and dressed in high-waisted jeans and a white blouse tucked into them. It's already October so I'm also wearing a thick coat while I wait in front of TCC where we agreed to meet up since the restaurant he wants to take me to is apparently really close. I chose not to go for a winter hat so I wouldn't ruin my hair but the longer I wait for him the more I regret it. The first five minutes are fine, I expected that but when it rolls to ten minutes I take out my phone, contemplating to text him. I don't want to seem like I'm nagging him or tracking his every step but it would be nice to get a warning he'll be running late or at least know if he's nearby. When it gets to fifteen minutes I give up and go inside, waiting at the reception but still leaning in my chair to make sure I see any movement outside through the glass door.

In the end, he's half an hour late and instead of being angry I'm relieved because for the past ten minutes I was worried it might have been just some kind of an elaborate prank. He waves at me through the glass and I shoot up from the chair, grabbing my bag and hurrying outside. He seems to be freshly shaven and had properly styled his hair. I can even smell some kind of earthly yet fresh cologne on him. He's wearing black pants with a dark brown leather jacket that makes his shoulders look even wider and it takes me a second to look away from how dashing he appears.

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