3 🫐 Chapter 3

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"On the other hand," I say to break the awkward silence while we walk home through the dark streets, "if I got murdered, I wouldn't have to worry about the Olympics."

Yuzuru gasps and briefly stops in his tracks before catching up with me again. "You can't be saying such things!"

"It was just a joke, Yuzu." I suppress a sigh and regret not accepting the taxi offer. He's definitely not a conversation-maker. So far he only pointed at things at random, telling me arbitrary facts. Like when we were passing by a Japanese restaurant, he stated they have a good chef and then went silent again—or remarking about the weather as if it was unusual for the late-night air to be chilly. Probably the worst was when he started to compare the differences between Japan and Canada in regard to recycling plastic. And all that just because we passed some colored bins.

But to be fair I'm too distracted to try and follow up much on anything he's saying. All that's on my mind is if he already spilled the beans to Javi or not. It's too much of a sensitive topic for me and I have no idea how to open it up with somebody who's that close to him.

He inhales, bringing me from my thoughts, and opens the plastic topic once more. "By 2030, one hundred percent of the plastic bottles in Japan should be from recycled plastic."

"Mhm," I nod, thinking it must have been at least an hour since we left TCC though judging by the buildings, it was probably just ten minutes.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles and stops, making me halt and return to where he's standing, staring at the pavement.

"About what?"

He takes a deep breath and mutters toward his feet, "that I'm boring you."

"Oh, shit," I let out and take a step closer, "you're not. I'm sorry, Yuzu. It's just.....I'm worried about tomorrow. Got my mind preoccupied."

He raises his head, a slight frown creasing his forehead. "Why are you worried?"

I fidget on the spot, biting my lip and looking away. "Well, I guess there is this elephant in the room. Between us." I look back, watching his frown deepen. "About Javi. I don't know if you already told him or, well, plan to tell him."

"Tell what?"

"About what you heard. Between me and Nam."

"Oh, you think I would tell him you like him?"


He shoves his hands in his pockets and suddenly resumes walking, his jaw tightly set. I don't believe I said anything offensive and after I wake up from my momentary shock, I hurry after him. When I catch up with him, he only mutters, "it's not my secret to tell anyone. And I didn't catch much of what you told Nam. You spoke too fast."

"Oh," I breathe out, warm ease spreading through me, "thank you."


"I'm sorry," I say in a genuine apology, "I didn't want you to feel like you are boring me. I just can't get him - I mean, the whole situation - off my mind."

"That's okay, I'm sorry for talking about---" he waves his hand to another set of colored recycling bins, "plastic."

"Nah, I'm sorry, I should have--" I burst out laughing and he looks at me with his eyebrow raised but an amused smile on his lips.

"What's funny?"

"The apologizing. We really can't deny our Japanese roots."

He giggles as well and the atmosphere between us eases even more. I'm relieved he seems genuine about not telling Javi anything, the air suddenly feels lighter, and it's easier to breathe.

I think he senses the shift as well, smiling as he asks, "so, what else do you like besides Javi?"

Oh boy. He has no idea what box he just opened. I take a deep breath to give him at least a rough summary of my interests. Since he asked. Not because most of the time I can't keep my mouth shut.

"Blueberries," I say in one breath and watch as he raises his eyebrow in amusement, "Justin Timberlake, obviously figure skating, I simply looooveee the anime Naruto though I still need to get around to reading the Manga. Mint tea though Camomille is a close second, and I also wouldn't kick Black tea from my bed. I like rain when I'm at home and sun when I'm outside. Justin Timberlake and cats. Also, I like karaoke and Pluto - it should have stayed a planet. The kick was unjustified." Now he's outright chuckling and slowly shaking his head. "OH! And almost forgot -"

"Justin Timberr--?"

"Timberlake. Yeah...." I breathe out, wishing I didn't miss his latest tour. "Do you like him?" I ask, my voice full of hope.

"I don't think I've ever heard anything from him."

I gasp and start fishing for my phone before forcing it into his hand. "Give me your email or phone number or something, I will take care of the rest. I promise I will ease you into it slowly. But like, you have to give it a try."

"I will, I will," he says chuckling while typing up his contact details. Once done, he hands me the phone back and we resume walking, falling back into a comfortable conversation over our interests. At first, he's hesitant to share his, but be it my relentless pushing or the fact he can't talk much to anyone else due to his limited English, he eventually gives in.

As it turns out, he's also a fan of some niche things, for a few minutes talking my ear off about earphones. It's not exactly my thing but I like how fired up he gets when comparing individual brands and their specifics, very much reminding me of myself when I try to word-vomit everything I'm obsessed about. I pay attention, knowing what it's like when you get to talk about things you enjoy and somebody actually listens to you.

The time is passing by much faster now and I'm both grateful and relieved to know where his loyalty lies. It seems to not be with Javi or his friends, but with himself. Keeping secrets not based on whom they belong to but simply because they are secrets.

And later that night when my body finally hits the bed, I wonder how many, if any, such morally strong people I have around me. Marco would probably be the only one. And I know for a fact if I knew juicy gossip, I would text it to him or Nam in an instant. I roll to the side, pull the duvet up to my chin, and fall asleep thinking that maybe the day started horribly but it did end well by getting a new friend.

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