15 🫐 Blueberry Pie

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By the time we catch up, the food is all eaten, most of it thanks to my efforts and I pat my stomach with satisfaction, wishing I could go lay down for a nap.

"You full?" Yuzuru asks and a wide grin spreads on his face.

"I'm stuffed. We're flying to Russia in two days, I doubt I'll fit into my costume."

"Shame," he says and his grin gets an ominous undertone as he reaches into the basket that I assumed was already empty. "I got us a dessert."

My eyes widen and then my jaw drops when he takes out a small plastic box with two slices of pie in it.

"BLUEBERRY PIE?!!" I screech, snatching the box from his hands, and open the lid to smell the amazing flavor. "Oh my god!" I jump up and rush to the kitchen, running back with two forks and dropping to the floor with a short slide still from the momentum. The room erupts with Yuzuru's heartfelt laughter but I don't wait for him to calm down and dig in. It's delicious, melting on my tongue in an instant, the divine flavor of blueberries hitting each of my tastebuds.

I close my eyes, savoring the taste with each mouthful when his voice brings me back to Earth. "You can have the other one too."

"Hm?!" I almost choke, quickly swallowing and pushing the box to him. "No, no, take the other."

"I'm not into sweets that much."

"But it's delicious!" I move the box closer but he pushes my hand away and nods toward the TV. "Any chance you haven't watched the next episodes of Tokyo Ghoul?"

"I made a promise I won't watch it without you, didn't I?" I flash him a proud, wide smile and he chuckles even though I don't find my response particularly funny. A few minutes later we're rearranged still on the floor but with the sofa behind our backs so we could lean against it, sitting next to each other and watching the intro to the next episode on our list. Not being one to waste food, I, of course, eat the other piece of the pie as well and by the end of the episode, I'm halfway through a food coma. I hear him switch to the next episode, barely seeing the TV screen through my glazed eyes and lowered eyelids. I feel the waistband of my sweatpants straining over my stomach but don't have the power in my limbs to adjust it, doing my best not to let my head drop on his shoulder.

"Why--" I try to ask, interrupted by my own yawn. I rub my face to wake up and hear him chuckle, wondering if there was something else in the food to make him that gleeful. I clear my throat and sit up properly to stay alert, giving another attempt to my question. "Why did you say to hurry up so the food doesn't get cold when it was sushi?"

"That's what you think about when watching my favorite anime?" His voice sounds almost hurt and I'm not able to distinguish if it's fake or not.

"It's called multitasking."

I turn my head and catch him just in time as he shakes his head and pauses the show. "I needed you to move. That's all."

"Okay. You can resume it. Thanks." I say but he doesn't move, his gaze dropping to his lap, brows furrowing into a deep frown.

"Actually, I was thinking," he pauses, and I hold back a remark that clearly he was also thinking about something else. When he still doesn't continue I readjust in my spot once more, my mind waking up with curiosity about what he's about to say. He looks at me and his lips crack into a smile but then he diverts his gaze again and I'm close to asking if he took some colorful pills from a stranger before he came over. It takes a full minute before he sighs and finally speaks, but avoids looking at me. "I think I actually want to tell you about my mum. If you are okay with it."

"Absolutely!" I exclaim, probably looking way more excited than I should, given it's a sensitive topic to him. To my relief, he smiles at me and I make a note to ask for the number of his dealer afterward.

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