10 🫐 Chapter 10

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The visit to the cinema went in a similar spirit as the bistro date. On the way there, we were talking about general things, training, skating, opinions on coaches, and whatnot, but nothing personal. At least nothing that felt personal. He did tell me a lot about his family, but some of the things I've already heard or they seemed like something he would share with anyone anyway. I couldn't help but compare it to my talks with Yuzuru which were equally general but I could tell most of the things he told me he rarely ever shared with anyone else. Anytime we chatted it was creating this kind of invisible connection that was a foundation of our friendship but with Javi, it was more like sharing facts rather than feelings.

The strangest part was his quick fluctuation between the general stuff, talking to me as if I would be just another training mate and a moment later showering me with sweet little sayings and kisses. There was nothing in between. No build-up, no hesitation to kiss me and get all raunchy on the backseat of the cinema before switching back to casual talk. I was doing my best to give him the benefit of the doubt, repeating to myself over and over again how he said these kinds of things don't come naturally to him and I hoped it'll all settle with time.

When he dropped me at my place we had yet another makeout session, this one in his car so we wouldn't have to freeze outside but once I finally managed to pull away from him we gave each other our goodbyes and I got out of the car. Once I closed the door he smiled at me and sent me a short wink before driving away and I still stood on the pavement a few minutes later, deep in thought.

It was the little things. Like when Yuzuru always waited until I got inside the building before he left. How he sometimes took my training backpack and put it on top of his suitcase while we walked home. How he never interrupted me when I talked, no matter how much nonsense was coming out of my mouth. He always listened. Whereas Javi was interrupting me whenever my answer got longer than three sentences. I turned and headed to my apartment, realizing that what Javi was missing were manners.

He simply didn't do these little things that made me feel special, that made me feel like I truly mattered to him and that he cared. But now that I knew where the issue was, I could work with that. I could lower my expectations and focus on the things that did make me feel. Like his kisses and his hands on my body, and the way he breathed out my name whenever the kissing was going on for too long. It was the physical stuff that was conveying how he felt or that he cared about me. And Javi's kisses were the best thing in the world and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Before I even made it to the apartment my phone buzzed with a new text and I quickly opened it, my moment of serenity evaporating into thin air. Javi was asking me for dinner. Tomorrow night. At his place. Before I could process what it means, he followed up by jokingly adding he'll do the cooking so I better not dump him.


I got into the flat, pacing back and forth across the living room, antsy and fidgety. If I say no, he'll get either upset or hurt. If I agree, there was a high probability that things between us will go much further than just kissing. It was still early night and I moved to the kitchen, pouring myself a shot of vodka before replying back that I'll be happy to try his homemade cooking. Right after I went to the washing machine and tossed in my red set of underwear, praying that yet another wash would soften up the itchy lace.

Once the machine was running I took out my phone again, texting Yuzuru to ask if he would like to stop by and watch some Tokyo Ghoul, hoping it would keep my mind occupied and my head won't explode with anticipation.

"Hey," I say, taken aback when he knocks on my door less than ten minutes later. "You really do live close, don't you?

"I was in the area," he says simply and comes in, taking off his shoes and hanging up his jacket.

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