13 🫐 Chapter 13

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On the way back I translate what Brian said for Yuzuru, both of us scratching our heads in confusion about why we must come back. Yuzuru also chips in by adding he never heard Brian raise his voice like this unless he was shouting at Javi during practice, and I pray with all of my heart that whatever we had to come back for has nothing to do with him.

Once we get to the entrance of TCC we already see Tracy through the glass door, pacing back and forth in front of the reception. Her pointed eyes land on us the second we open the door but her expression softens when she sees how confused and timid we both are.

"Finally," she lets out a sigh of relief, coming over to us. "I don't exactly like leaving Brian alone with those two."


"I really don't know what happened," she says while she starts walking and we dutifully follow after her, "but you have some explaining to do."

"Explaining what?" I ask, exchanging a confused look with Yuzuru.

"Of what's going on between you three," she stops in front of one of the larger meeting rooms and folds her arms, looking at Yuzuru. "Or should I say four?"

He looks at me then back at Tracy and once more back at me until she sighs and pats his shoulder. "I guess you're fine, Yuzu. Just wait outside, okay? It'll be easier without a translator. I'll call you in case we need your input."

He frowns and I quickly translate for him to make sure he gets everything, and he nods, reluctantly sitting down on one of the chairs outside the meeting room.

"Well," she sighs as she looks at me, opening the door to the meeting room, "after you, young lady."

I swallow on empty and enter the room, rubbing my sweaty palms against my coat. I almost turn around and run when I see Brian sitting at the head of the table, a storm brewing in his eyes, and then my gaze falls on Javi who sits on the other side.

With a black eye.

Or at least something that'll soon turn into one.

My mouth falls open and it takes me a while to process there's one more person in the room. Marco is sitting at the third side of the table and when my eyes flicker to his hands, I see his knuckles are red. The dots are easy to connect and I rub my forehead in shame, unable to believe Marco was capable of such aggression and humiliating me in the process like this. Does everyone at TCC know what happened now? How did Marco know in the first place anyway?

"Sit down," Brian's stern voice yanks me from my thoughts and I reluctantly sit on the chair he's pointing at, opposite Marco. "So, here's the thing. Those two are unwilling to say a single thing. Both to each other or to me. So you gotta tell me what happened."

"I don't know," I peep, flashing a brief glance at Marco who's staring at his knuckles.

"I doubt that. Especially that you decided to skip practice today of all days." Brian says and I bite my lip, momentarily letting my eyes flicker to Javi who's also not looking at me, his arms folded on his chest, leaning back in the chair and silently fuming.

I can't believe any of this is happening, my mind racing to try and come up with some plausible explanation. "Okay, Ivy." Brian gets my attention once more and leans forward in his chair, connecting his hands and his expression beyond heavy. "I don't think you're realizing how serious the situation is. I haven't had to break up a fight since the '90s and trust me when I tell you I'm this close to kicking you two from the club."

My eyes widen in horror and I turn to Tracy who's still standing at the closed door as if on guard to make sure none of us leave. She gives me a compassionate look and turns to Brian, "surely it won't come to that. Right, Ivy?" She once more looks at me and I'm just about done with everyone assuming I know what's going on.

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