24 🫐 Chapter 24

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There's a strange sound in the room and while I'm still mostly asleep, it piques my curiosity, slowly dragging me from the dreamland. I stir in Yuzuru's arms and just as I do so, the sound comes again, properly waking me up. We're in the same position as we fell asleep, chest to chest with his chin at my forehead, neither of us needing to change it throughout the night. He's still fast asleep and I cautiously place my hand on his belly, this time also feeling the sound as his stomach loudly grumbles. I smile and start to pull away to get up but at that moment he rolls forward, capturing me under his body.

"Where are you going?" He mumbles, barely awake.

"Your stomach is making funny sounds," I quip and as if his body was waiting for those words, the loud grumbling sound vibrates through him again straight into me.

"Yeah, I had just the mint chewing gum for dinner. So you wouldn't complain about a barbecue kiss. Now stay here to make up for my sacrifice."

I laugh and push against his chest but he only moves further over me, entirely flattening me under him into the mattress. "Let go, Yuzu. I'll make us something to eat."

"We can order in."

"Order in? A breakfast?"


"You order a dinner. Maybe a lunch. But not breakfast."

"There are places that deliver breakfast," he counters with his gruff, sleepy voice and I make a mental note that he can be obnoxious already while barely awake.

"I'm not saying it's not possible. Just that it seems wrong. We can cook something together maybe?"

"Mhm," he hums and pushes his hands underneath me to cage me even more. "We can cook together dinner. Maybe a lunch. But not breakfast."

"God," I breathe out and try to roll to the side to get more wiggling space but he doesn't let me, tightening his grip. "What got into you? You've never been like this any other morning."

"Any other morning you get up and go do your exercises so I have enough time to wake up on my own."

"So let me go and I'll--"

"But I don't want to let you go. I waited months for this. You stay."

I want to kick him. Really hard. Somewhere where it would hurt. But I also can't help and feel a bit of sympathy for him.

"Fine," I huff and relax a little and he gives me a happy wiggle in return, settling on top of me as if I were a pillow. I don't fight him anymore and stare at the ceiling, planning out my day and the things I have to do. After I compile my grocery shopping list, the set of exercises I should do, and a text I want to send to Marco, I'm restless to get up and start working on those things. I feel him falling asleep again, his cheek pressed to my shoulder and I pat his back, arching underneath him to get out. "Okay, let me go now."

"It was like five minutes," he whines, pushing his weight against me to keep lying. "Stop moving."

"God, how long do you need to wake up?"

"At least an hour."

I laugh but soon my smile fades when I realize he probably wasn't joking. "Are you serious?"


"What on earth do you do in bed for an hour?"

"Waking up."

"You are either awake or asleep, there's nothing in between."

"You're weird," he grunts and finally rolls off of me, my lungs appreciating the deep inhale I'm able to take. "Just go," he mutters, and just as I sit up, he starts pushing me out of the bed, first with his hands and then putting his healthy foot on my ass and pushing me with that too. I almost fall off the bed and scoff while he quietly chuckles but before I can shoot him an angry glare, he pulls the duvet up to his chin and closes his eyes with a satisfied smile.

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