25 🫐 Chapter 25

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We're both in our pajamas, sitting on the sofa and cuddled up under a warm blanket while we watch some random Netflix TV show. It would have been a nice, calm evening if only I weren't plucking up the courage to talk to him about my upcoming period. It's not a topic I'm used to talking about with guys, except for Marco when I need to skip a day of practice.

I'm anxiously wrapping my finger around the hem of my shirt, trying to come up with a way how to open that conversation. Ideally with a joke. Something casual that he doesn't see how nervous I'm about it. Would he be annoyed we won't be able to get raunchy until January? Especially since it's his birthday at the worst possible time. Maybe I could start the other box of pills and hold it off for those few days. But then what about the Olympics? Should I risk it? Jesus fucking Christ, am I seriously considering ruining my Olympic chances over a guy?! And so what if he gets annoyed? It's not like it's my fault. And if he even dares to show a hint of irritation I'm going to give him such an earful he'll be happy to go back to living with his mum. How can men be so stupid? Simply unbeli--


"Unbelievable!" I exclaim and shoot up from the sofa, shaking my head and pacing back and forth. "You guys are seriously unbelievable!"


"It's not such a big deal, okay?! And it's not like I can do anything about it, so suck it up, okay?!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"My period!!"


His mouth falls open and he sits there dumbstruck with the blanket over his lap, eyes wide open.
If I hadn't made myself so blatantly clear, I would have thought he was confused.

"Why are you staring at me like that?!"

"Because you're not making any sense!"

With an annoyed huff, I cross my arms, nails digging into my skin. "What's not clear about what I told you?! Don't you dare---...Oh." My brain finally catches up with my words and blood rushes to my cheeks, drowning me in deep embarrassment. Shit! Shit shit shit! I hide my face in my hands, considering running away and never coming back. Maybe I could live in the woods from now on. Feeding off berries and whatnot. Near a river to have a water supply. Winters would be tough. I would need to find some remote cave and make a bed of leaves to keep warm, or--.

"Ivy?" His voice is hesitant and I hear him move but don't dare to look at him and only press my palms harder to my face. A moment later I jump up a little when I feel his hands on my shoulders and he slowly maneuvers me to sit back down on the sofa. "Can we talk? Calmly?"

"I'm sorry," I mumble and he pries my hands from my face but I still don't look up at him.

"What the hell just happened?" His voice is calm and caring but there are still hints of discomfort and concern.

"I just didn't know how to tell you. So I was panicking a little and--"

"A little?"

I find the sarcastic jab a little unnecessary but I probably deserved it. He seems to notice he shouldn't have said it and runs his thumbs over my hands that he's still holding to give me a little encouragement. I take a deep breath and finally tell him what was eating me up for the past hours.

"So, the thing is. As it turns out. I may or may not...Rather may than may not...start my period tomorrow or so?"


Is the only thing he says, waiting for me to continue as if it wasn't clear what I was hinting at. I take a deep breath and spell it out for him while still looking away.

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