254 6 3

Los Angeles, CA

Donna's pov

"JOHNNY!?" I yelled

"Have you guys seen johnny anywhere?" I asked a crowd that includes Tim (burton) .

"Uh, I think he might have gone outside." Tim said turning towards the backyard.

"Thanks!" I yelled over the loud music.

"Johnny!" I yelled out.

All the breath in my body was gone. My eyes became blurry. I covered my mouth with my hand to prevent any noise.

Johnny was kissing, grinding, grabbing on another girl.

I walked back into the house with my hand still on my mouth.

I ran into some room and started crying.


Donna and johnny broke up that night and have not seen or talked since. Now Donna is a model and actress. She's done 5 films so far.

Donna's pov

Despite being a model and actress, I wasn't popular at all. My best friend Lexi was. People bullied me for my looks and some bullied me for my accent barrier. Lexi did stand up for me but only to make herself look good. She made me look like a charity case.

I haven't talked to lexi since high-school. She dropped me and her Exuse was that "she didn't have enough time to hang out with me." But I'm doing great on my own. I'm a fucking model & actress.

"Madeleine?" I asked softly as I walked into the kitchen.

Madeleine is my maid, we are really close. I employed her about 10 years ago. She's a little older than me. I'm 28
I barely just turned last month. Madeleine is 41, She's like a mother to me.

"Yes, dear?" She said
"Good morning!" I said.
"Good morning! I made you pancakes!" She said handing me a plant with 3 pancakes.
"Your the sweetest Madeleine!! Thank you" I said.
"Your welcome!"

I grabbed the plate and walked to the dining room.

"Mmm! These are so good!"I said and heard a small laugh.

We both turned our heads to the sound of the door bell going off.

"I'll get it hon." Madeleine said.

She came back with flowers.

This was pretty normal actually. I get alot of flowers, but I always get these really beautiful blue ones. Those are my favorite.

"Ohh! I love these ones!" I said grabbing the flowers.
"Would you like me to put them in water?" Madeleine asked.

"That's OK. I can do it. Why don't you take the day off and go see family! I'm sure they'll be happy to see you!" I said.
" are you sure donna?"
"Thank you sweetie."

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