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Johnny's pov

I got a text from drew, saying to come to the bar.

We've been going to the same bar so she didn't really have to say which. When I got there I saw brads car and everyone else inside. "Am I late?" I said.

I saw Donna's eyes flash to me.

I winked.

"No,not at all! I totally didn't text you like half an hour ago."

"What, took a while to get here." I said

"Johnny, you like 10 minutes from here." Kate said.

"..so?"I said.

"Just sit down man."Brad said.

"I'm gonna go dance." Donna said.

I watched her walking to the "dance floor", swaying her hips, her beautiful legs. Oh God her legs.

"Johnny!"Michelle clapped.

"Hm?"I whip my head her direction.

"Jesus, what's up with you man." Brad said.

"Do you fancy her?" Kate said in a weird voice.

"Ptff- I mean." I shrugged

"Well I think she's dancing with a guy-"


They laughed

"What? I'm just, looking out for her. Who knows, she could meet some total asshole." I said downing a shot of vodka.

Donna was dancing with a guy.


I'm an idiot. Why would she like me after what I did, im a total idiot.

"Hey, you are all working on the film by Jordan, right?" A girl came up to our table. Cute.

"Maybe? Why?" Brad said.

I hadn't realized I was stairing her down.

"Hi,I'm Amanda, I'll also be working on the film."

"Well, nice to meet you Amanda, come sit."

"Hi, I'm johnny."I winked

"I'm brad."




"And that's donna."I said pointing to the girl in the crowd.

"Wow, she's a beautie, huh?" Amanda said.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"Can I get you a drink?" I asked.

"Sure." She smirked.

We both got up, as she made her way to the bar area I got my coat.

"You are such a fucking flirt." Brad said.

"Hey, don't hate me because you can't get girls." I said smiling.

I saw Amanda waiting for me.

I mean if donna wants nothing to do with me, why wait.

"Here." I handed Amanda her drink.

"So, tell me about your self." I said.

"Well, I have just come back from the uk, that's why I haven't been to filming like you all have."

Her accent was much different from Donna's. Amanda's is Maybe American. Though she has black hair and blue eyes.

"What did you do in the uk."

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