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Satoru hasn't been in japan for very long, let it have been a week. In that one week, he quickly became the subject talked about on campus, you don't get a good-looking exchange student from Germany often after all. But Satoru seemed to not give a single damn about those people, in his opinion they were all the same, merely humans with similar ideals and mindsets. That was until he crossed paths with a devil sent from hell just for him.
Suguru Geto, of course, had heard from the new exchange student and he must admit, he was curious about what the white-haired had in mind for coming here. Even tho Satoru had piqued the interest of the young man, he couldn't be bothered to go up to him. That was until the end of the week on a Friday when both of them met in front of the music room.

                           Satoru Gojo's POV

I wandered around for a while, searching for the music room where my next course was, something I volunteered for. This university is so goddamn big how am I supposed to find anything? I sighed and kept looking for my destination when I heard someone playing the piano. I kept walking down some hallways and took a turn here and there just to find a young handsome man sitting and playing the piano without even noticing me. The piece he played seemed kinda sad, filled with his own personal emotions. I couldn't look away from the unknown yet handsome man, he really got me hypnotized. If that piece of music was a place, it would have been a grey-painted room with a window beside a comfortable bed, the room lit up dimly by a candle on a white shelf with books on it. I cringed at myself for getting distracted by some random dude letting his heartbreak out on a piano.
Just as the young man finished I heard someone clap slightly behind me which made me turn around to see my math teacher, ms Shoko.
„I must say I'm impressed Geto. I'm glad you joined my course this year again you improved greatly if I may mention." She smiled at him and looked at me. „You must be Satoru Gojo, right? Did you sign up for this course too?" I gave her a small nod. „Indeed."
„Then let's go you both, you must've been waiting for some time now"

3rd Person POV

Shoko made a gesture with her hand, hinting them to follow her, and they did.
„Satoru Gojo but you can call me Satoru" The white-haired was confused at his own words, never had he introduced himself without someone asking. Even though he was surprised he regained his composure immediately and held out his hand for the other to shake. And he did. „Suguru Geto, Geto for short." While still walking both of them looked at each other and gave the other a welcoming smile neither of them expecting the smile from themselves. They were both great actors, so they both didn't notice that the one in front of them was acting.
The rest of the way to their destination was quiet, not awkward just quiet and the only thing that was heard was the distant talking of other students that were making their way to their dorms.
„Satoru, what exactly made you come to my course? I'm curious." Shoko was sick of the silence so she decided to ask the new one a few questions and tried to keep the conversation up.
„I'm in a band actually and wanted to come here to get some more experience"
Geto was surprised to hear that, but didn't show it. He wanted to know more about the weirdly attractive exchange student and get to know him but there was no way for him to actually go up to Satoru and talk to that guy. Geto was lost in thoughts while Shoko and Satoru continued their conversation.
„So guys we are finally here."
Shoko couldn't help but smile, because what is better than going to the music room and after your biggest hobby after a long day of tiring work? They stepped into the room and were greeted by slightly younger students that seemingly also attended this course.
„Make yourself feel at home and just watch out for the instruments. We will begin in a few minutes, I have to grab some files from another room. I'll be right back, you can all get to know each other while I'm away" With that Shoko left the room and silence took over the room, but not for long.
„Hello guys, my name is Yuji Itadori I hope we can make things work" A flashy smile appeared on his face and he put his hand right in front of Satoru Gojo, trying to get to know the unknown man. Satoru smiled, already taking a liking to the younger student, Yuji Itadori.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Gojo."

The both of them got to know each other and talked about everything and nothing again while there were still other people talking : "When did you meet that overly handsome man Geto?" Geto was looking at the white-haired man, almost staring. "Good question.
I'd say he found me."

I've had this in my notes for quite a while now and wanted to actually make a story out of it. Forgive me for my spelling or grammar English isn't my first language 👹 but anyway I hope yall like it so far. lmk when someone is out of character I read the manga but I'm quite dumb so pls be patient and help me out when somethings wrong😭🫶

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