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This Chapter was writte by one of my dearest friends, I just changed some things! Hope you don't mind my friend <3  Anyway, here's the chapter you guys!

Todo walked passed Yuji and shoved him, which led Yuji to fall to the ground. "You should've been more careful" Todo said with a big grin. "I'm a big guy and I take up a lot of room, be more alert and you won't get hurt." Yuji wasn't having it and threw his sweaty  shirt over his back and gave the other a good shove.

"You should practice what you preach, bud. Looked like you've almost hurt yourself."
Todo took off his shirt too and threw it to the side of the room. It was safe to say that he was pissed that someone so puny would retaliate in such and challenge his dominance. Todo has a severe case of alpha male syndrome. He got back and said "you're so damn stupid. I'm gonna send your candy ass to hell!"
"Oh boy here we go. Well, it was nice knowing you Yuji. It was fun whilst it lasted. I will regularly leave flowers at your grave." Said the white haired Gojo who was still having a smile all over his face.
He took a few steps back and put on his glasses and started to walk away. Then suddenly, he came to a stop.
"Hmm. You know what? I think I'll watch."Gojo was interested in Yuji's fighting ability, he was sure Itadori didn't stand a chance.
Todo was over half a foot taller than Yuji and had much larger muscles too. Todo was six feet three inches in height and weighed ninety-two kilograms.
Todo was trained in boxing and wrestling and often relies on his freakishly brute strength, in a fight.
Whereas Yuji looked tough, but nowhere was he as muscular as Todo. He was skinny, yet had stronger arms and legs with a solid six pack abs to add. Yuji was five feet eight inches and weighed seventy-nine kilograms. Yuji has been doing kickboxing since he was kid and knows a small, yet useful amount of karate. Yuji often relies on speed, accuracy and power when it comes to a fight. This fight would be between a light heavy weight fighter versus a super welterweight fighter.
Todo stepped forward and threw a punch at Yuji with his right hand. However Yuji saw it coming, ducked down and punched Todo in the ribs, on his right. Todo was stunned by how quick Yuji was and how much power the punch had held.
However, it was nothing Todo wasn't used to.
Yuji then side steped to the left, to get behind Todo's right arm. Then he aimed to punch Todo in the jaw.
Todo saw it coming and ducked. He then grabbed Yuji's arm, pulled him closer and flipped Yuji over his shoulder. Yuji's back crashed onto the floor, winding him temporarily. Todo took the opportunity to stamp on Yuji's head, but as fast as Yuji was, rolled out of the way and got back to his feet. Both guys took a couple seconds to catch their breath, then charged at each other again. Todo swung at Yuji.
Yuji blocked his attack and kicked Todo in the stomach. Again, Todo was surprised by how much power was behind the kick of the scrawny Yuji.
Todo then grabbed Yuji by his waste, picked him and planted Yuji on his back yelling "Spine Buster!" A wrestling move commonly used by the likes of The Rock. Todo then picked Yuji and threw him against the wall. Yuji hit it hard and bounced back towards Todo. Todo scooped up Yuji, one hand between his legs, the other on his shoulder and then power slammed him onto the floor again. "Had enough ass hole?.
"I'm just.. getting warmed...up" groaned Yuji. He wasn't exactly used to fighting someone like Todo, someone who's so strong and powerful. This should have been a fun experience. Yuji thought to himself.
He got back to his feet with a smile on his face, staring  at Todo and got ready. Todo got ready too and smiled back.
"Round two and FIGHT". Gojo said, enjoying what was happening before his very eyes. A fight between two gladiators.
Yuji charged at Todo, aiming for his face. Todo then lifted his foot up and kicked Yuji in the chest.
Yuji fell on his back, did a backward role, got up, stepped forward and punched Todo on the cheek.
Yuji finally landed a punch on Todos face. However, it wasn't enough to win. After Todo took that punch he lifted his arms up to guard his face from Yuji's ferocious attacks. Yuji then tried a round house kick towards Todos head, but Todo also blocked that too. His big arms are perfect shields, great for defence. Yuji got frustrated. How can I land an attack with those big arms in the way? He thought. Damn it all. Yuji then noticed that Todo was only guarding his face, however his lower body was wide open. Yuji let out a side kick towards Todos gut, the kick landed, forcing Todo to take a step back and lower his guard a little. Yuji seized the opportunity to unleash an elbow to the face of Todo, busting his forehead open. Todo quickly regained his stance and unleashed a right hook, swinging at Yuji's head. Yuji ducked and countered with a jab, stepping forward. Todo saw it coming, he took a step forward, deflecting Yuji's jab to the side. Todo was within range, he charged forward and unleashed a huge jab of his own that almost had Yuii knocked out. Yuii stumbled a little but regained balance and jumped back. He thought it was wise to not let Todo get too close.
Todo decided to charge at Yuji, picking him up once again and did an overhead belly to belly throw. Yuji again, crashed into the floor. Before Yuji could get back up, Todo grabbed him from behind, pulled Yuji close to his front and gave him an overhead German Suplex. And again, Yuji came crashing down onto the floor.
He had enough. He tried to play it safe. He realised, that, if he wanted to beat Todo, he couldn't afford to be careful. As they say, the best offence is the best defence. Yuji tried getting back to his feet.
"Stay down." Yuji stared at Todo.
"What?" Yuji was confused.
"You heard me. Stay down. You put up a decent fight. Most guys would have given up by now. I must admit you're quite strong, stronger than most guys I've fought. However like all the other guys I fought you're nowhere near my level. You could never beat me. So just give up and stay down."
"Give up? GIVE UP?!" Yuji shouted. "HAH! AS IF I WOULD LOOSE TO YOU!" Yuji yelled with a smile on his face, as he got back to his feet."Giving up is not in my nature. I keep fighting untill I win!" Yuji let out a loud battle cry. 

Todo smiled and let out a battle cry of his own. He extended his arm out pointing at Yuji. He turned his hand upside down, flexed his fingers signalling Yuji.

"JUST BRING IT BITCH!" Todo yelled back.
Both men felt a rush of adrenaline and charged at each other. Screw defence. Both guys where aiming for a knockout victory.
Yuji was firing punches at Todo. Todo was dodging Yuji's punches and returned fire. Gojo was watching both men go at it. Both guys have an opponent each, both men had boatload of ammo, and both had two guns each to fight with, truly an interesting match up. Gojo thought to himself. He didn't know which man to bet on. He underestimated Yuji at first, because Todo was a big muscular guy, with a bad attitude. However during this fight Yuji has demonstrated that he can hold his own against Todo, with a combination of speed and powerful attacks. To think this scrawny boy could keep up with Todo. Gojo was genuinely surprised. Yuji definitely exceeded, not only Gojo's expectations but Todo's too.
Yuji unleashed a forward kick into Todo's chest.
Then followed it up with a punch to his gut. Yuji then side stepped and punched Todo's ribs and jumped to kick the side of his knee. Todo winced in pain. Yuji was behind Todo and Todo knew that. He quickly spun around and punched Yuji in the face. When Todos fist met Yuji's face,
Yuji also threw quick, yet powerful punch, that landed square on Todo's face. Both Todo and Yuji had landed clean punches on their opponents faces.
Both of their faces were busted open, blood leaking from their noses and mouths. Both guys fell to the ground, unable to continue. For a moment there was dead silence. Then both, Todo and Yuji burst out laughing.
"Good fight Yuji, nobody has pushed me to my limits like you have."
"Likewise" Yuji chuckled.
"Hey Yuji"
"Yeah Todo"
"I got a question for you." Todo said in a softer tone.
"Shoot." Said Yuji, intrigued by what he wanted to ask.
"What type of girls do you like?"
"Random question, not gonna lie". Said Yuji. The randomness of the question caught Yuji off guard.
Yuji thought about for a moment. "Hmmm. I would say a tall girl... With a huge ass. Like Jennifer Lawrence"
"You have immaculate taste."

 Todo said, happy with Yuji's response. Yuji has earned Todo's approval. He didn't see Yuji as a boring nobody. He now thought of Yuji as his best friend.  

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