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TW for strong language and drugs!!!

Gojo was baffled, he wouldn't have thought that Geto would agree. They didn't even know each other for a week, so it was rather surprising. The both of them were making their way to the headmaster's office, Gojo deep in thoughts, as to why the black haired one would agree on such a silly thing, while Geto was trying to figure out too; why he agreed on this. He would have never agreed to such thing if he was in his right state of mind, so he was wondering what actually went wrong.
„Are you two on drugs or something? Geto, I already told you not to give out our stuff. What the fuck is wrong with you huh?"
A weird looking human being grabbed Geto by his shoulder in a rather aggressive way and looked like they were about to throw a fist at him.
„Hey there man, easy. We didn't take your drugs or some shit. Calm down."
Gojo stepped into the scene and grabbed the unknown persons arm so they would let go of Geto.
„Aww Getooo~ I didn't know that you got yourself a bodyguard~„
He leaned closer to Geto, in intention to whisper something into his ear.
„Well too bad that i dont give a single shit. You're my roommate, you live in my dorm, so you have to follow my rules and even if this fucker is your bodyguard, what will he do? Protect you?"
The unknown person laughed. Geto was letting his head fall backwards, sighing deeply and closing his eyes. Gojo had no clue what was going on and tried to pull Geto away, somewhere were this creep wouldn't be. But Geto seemingly had no intentions of going with him, he knew what consequences it would bring if he went with him.
„I will talk to you tomorrow Gojo, have a good rest. Let's go Mahito."
Geto said the last part a bit louder, to grab the white haired man's attention. And finally, Gojo understood. This creep was Mahito. The asshole Geto lives with. He couldn't say or do anything, he just watched the two of them go down the hallway, then watched them disappear behind a corner.
He let out a short sigh, then grabbed his sunglasses from his pant's pocket. He obviously didn't need those sunglasses, but every time he's stressed, he wears them, its a little habit he developed over time.
He practically smelled that something was WAY off with that Mahito guy, he needed to investigate this further.

Geto's POV
I didn't want to leave him back like this, but I also didn't want to drag him into this whole mess.
„Care to explain my love?"
Mahito slammed the door behind us shut, shoving me into our dorm. He's smiling, ironically of course, which makes it even weirder.
My love.
Thats what he calls me most of the time. He has an unhealthy obsession with me, but thats not the worst thing he has done. It may be the most harmless thing he has ever done to be honest.
„As said we didn't take your drugs. You should know that."
I turned to look at Mahito. He looked furious and had his arms crossed over his chest, waiting for an „honest answer".
„Do you really want this Geto? Would you really let me enjoy myself that much?"
I froze.
Anything but that, please.
„Mahito you know exactly that this is the truth, i'm not lying. Go check your stuff. You will find everything there, nothing is missing."
I watched Mahito go in direction kitchen, more specifically to the fridge. He opened it, then opened another little built in cabinet and took his drugs out.
„Consider yourself lucky my love~"
With that his personality changed and he jumped away with a smiling face, pretending as if nothing happened.
I sighed a deep breath of relieve, letting myself fall onto my bed. I couldn't sleep though, the memories of those countless nights would haunt me.

3. Person POV
Geto decided to grab himself an energy drink from the vending machine, in front of the school library. He took his notebook and a pen with him, to write and get his mind off of the day.
Gojo couldn't sleep either and as luck would have it, they both ended up in the library.
„What are you doing here?"
Geto really wanted to be alone and thought he would be. He was surprised to see the white haired man again so soon.
„Well I was kind of worried you know? That Mahito guy seemed like a handful to handle, or better like someone i'd believe in to commit some things normal people wouldn't."
Geto sighed, not wanting to be reminded again.
„Don't you have something else to do? You're kind of annoying"
Gojo was surprised but again, thought of it as a little amusing.
„So so, ich nerve dich was?"
A little laugh escaped his lips and now it was Getos turn to be surprised. The raven haired tilted his head to the side, curious about what Gojo just said.
„The hell did you say dude?"
Gojo cleared his throat in a playful manner.
„ I said that I cant take you serious with that kind of thing you are wearing."
Gojo didn't show it but the word "annoying" kinda got to him. He knew that Geto didn't mean it that way but he couldn't help but to feel his heart beat a little heavier.
„Hey, don't judge my onesie. It was a present from my parents and i appreciate it very much."
Gojo laughed and Geto couldn't help but laugh with him. He didn't even notice that the both of them were already sat down, talking about their lives, their hobby's and all kinds of stuff.
Geto didn't notice it, but the white haired took the notebook from him, read a few of his writings and even wrote something himself :

„I hope I could take your mind off some things.

I hope everything is still making sense, i did not read over this yet cuz its like one am. I'll re read it tomorrow thanks for reading again if you did i appreciate it very much🫶

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