Chapter 3; Kidnapped 1

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I groan, an unbearable pain in my head. Like I've been hit hard on the head. I try to turn but I guess my kidnappers have tied me up. What has happened, fear grips me and I feel colour drain from my face. Oh heavens, did the aliens on space had some war with my ancestors and decided to give them a payback using.... me?

Well, they got the wrong person! You can clearly see steam coming out of my nose and ears , my face red as a ripe potato.

"Well well well, I guess our princess Amber Lora Anderson finally woke up" I nearly fell outta my chair. What the heck, how  did he even know my name? , Somebody answer me. Well I guess even a mosquito doesn't even have the slightest idea.

" Look maybe you got the wrong person okay, just let me go, or maybe you got drunk or if possible someone drugged you. I think you should get them talking" " shut up" he yelled at me. I flinched. How do they even know me?, Who are these people?, How did I get here?, Where am I?, What do they want from me?, Argh, I'm almost crying.

*****Few hours ago*****
I came home, prepared myself and went for my shift. Another long night, this one's gonna be really stressful. It's Friday, duh . " Hi kiiidd" Derek said with a teasing smirk. " I told you I'm not a kid" I said pocking him playfully." Am too"
"Am not"
"Am too"
"Am not!"
"Okay get back to work you two" Mr Phil sent us off but that didn't stop me from giving him a" you're dead" and a" it's not yet over" everything was going well. Keyword. was. Until Mr spoilt, jerk, moron, psychopath, despicable, Nathan came there. Wow nice vocabularies there. They came loud, I mean really really loud. I sighed," everything's gonna be fine just be patient" I mumbled under my breath. " How can I help you?" I said with the best smile, 50 bucks a bird passing by will even cry for me. " Oh rubber, I just want some turnip juice" he said with an evil smirk, one I wanna tear off. " I told you my name is Amber you jerk" I said at the back of my head but all I said was" can we not call me rubber, actually my name is Am-ber" I didn't wait for his reaction, I turned around only to hear a crash and black out two seconds later.

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