I- Charmaine

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Dark skies and bright lights, with stars so far away. My eyes never fail to light up like the colors I see around me. It's beautiful, a sight worth living for, it's the prettiest thing this city can offer and I'm not gonna even lie, I take it with a smile so wide on my face.

The annual carnival is a sight I'm merely awed by every single time I visit. The lights make me feel like I own the innocence of a child and the curiosity of a newborn. It's almost surreal how they manage to build such ginormous rides and take them down in a month's worth of time. Then, we wait all year for it to happen all over again because quite fairly, that's how much we love its presence.

Something is comforting about it and I, out of everyone, should look further into this.

"There she goes! Round and round on that merry-go-round." Cheers my best friend, Priscilla with a vibrant smile and lips oh-so-perfectly burgundy. Priscilla is the kind of friend to support me no matter the case, shamelessly in public even if it meant getting death stares and disgusting looks.

When I get off, she loops her arm with mine and flashes me a grin, "You still up for a little competition?"

"Always." I start, "You don't even have to ask me twice."

I see a hint of mischievousness on her face as if she knows she's going to win this one. This girl who can resemble an angel, at first sight, is the most nefarious individual I have ever seen, the things she does are beyond mental capacity. For example, deciding to trip me as a joke on a peaceful school day, but then resulting in a broken nose.

I know, seems intense, yeah? The only great thing about it was that I got to listen to her talking on and on about how great of a friend I am, just to bandage the upset look on my face. See what I meant by an angel? She's the perfect mix of both.

"Hello? Charmaine, snap out of it." She hovers her hand over my face before smacking it, "Listen, drastic situations require drastic measures."

"You call this a drastic situation?"

She looks at me with a completely serious expression before hinting at my right side. The way her eyes dart tells me this is not a serious issue but being the curious cat I am, I do look. In fact, I turn to look so abruptly that my neck cracks. "Tell me what we're looking at right now?"

"The eerily mysterious guy who definitely looks like he has a dead body in his trunk." She says, before pointing at him. I slap her hand down, pausing to register his presence. He's at the game stands, chatting with an equally attractive asian guy who looks utterly bored. Judging by dude number one's looks, he reeks of cash and riches.

If you didn't know, I love money.

Although my unconditional love for money, this man looks like he would ask me to do some questionable things. Like, drinking orange juice while balancing on one leg because somehow, he finds that attractive.

Collectively, not the kind of guy you want any involvement with.

"He seems like your kind of guy, Charmaine. Okay-ish height, no actually, he looks shorter than you." She bursts out laughing before facing me, "I'm sorry but how are we aiming to find you a boyfriend when you wear four-inch heels and you're originally 5'7?"

See, the problem is, I'm tall and it doesn't help that men adore heels and nightmares dressed as daydreams. On top of that, I'm always matched with guys so short that I have to physically look down at them. Talk about bad luck.

"Remind me, you're up for a bit of competition, correct?" She says an even more evil look painted all over her face. "If that's right, I challenge you to make him get you the biggest prize in that game stand."

"Which guy are we talking about?" I ask as if I don't know that she's talking about dude number one, the guy who every girl in the world should stay away from. "Okay, fine, kidnapper guy, right?"

She smiles at me, "If he does get you the biggest plushie and food, I'll personally do anything you want."

"Even blocking you-know-who?"

She laughs uneasily, putting a hand on my shoulder, "You know, that takes alot more. Now go, my soldier, make us proud."

I brace myself, pulling my sleeves to the edges of my fingertips before putting on my most alluring smile. One leg before the other, back straight, calculated movements, that's how I mess with a guy's head. Like I have a thread that I found, I know exactly how to do it just right. That's how Priscilla learned and it's how I'll teach everybody that comes my way.

"Outstanding coat you got there. Perhaps, Burberry?" I ask, resting my body to the side. His friend takes this opportunity to leave and now it's just me and the kidnapper guy, smiling at each other with intense staring. He's serene, and after a while, I realize that his gaze is beyond charismatic.

"Indeed it is. You've got great taste, that's for sure." He says before I take over, "But I'll be quite honest, it's still September, wouldn't it be too early for the coats and all?"

He chuckles, "You are right, it is way too early for the trench coats and whatnot, but I come from Moscow, and the weather is a little confusing."

I nod, taking that part in. Did he say Moscow? Count me in, my love.

"So it's your first time here? How are you liking it?"

He shrugs with his hands in his pockets, shifting from one foot to the other. "I like it better now that you're here." He starts, "I'm just messing around. It's great out here, feels the same though."

"Then you haven't seen this city the right way, with all its insanity put all together. I'd be more than honored to show you though."

He takes his hands out of his pocket to shake mine, "Pleased to know that, I'm James. James Albrecht."

James, I wish I could let you know that you messed up big time when you let me in.

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