Chapter 16 - The Night Before The Wedding

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Adrien's POV:

You know what... I'm not just going to give up on her like that.

I got up from the bench outside I was sitting on for the last half hour and walked back to Mari's bedroom. I opened the door about to make my statement of affection when... she's not here... where is she? Suddenly Miss Bustier came to Marinette's door but was surprised to see me..

"Oh, Adrien... there you are," she said looking at me with what looked like... sadness... in her eyes... there's no way she knows about me and Mari's break up so I just pushed it aside.
"Oh, hi Ms Bustier, was there something you needed because Marinette's not here" I said as I tried to put a smile on my face.
"Oh no no, it's fine, but I did need to talk to you, I've already let the rest of the class know this but as well as the Princess' Coronation in 3 days we're also invited to her wedding tomorrow," she said. Wait, since when was the Princess getting married?
"Oh, I didn't know she was even engaged," I exclaimed surprised.
"She wasn't until a few days ago. Apparently due to some old Chinese law a woman can not become Empress unless she is married. She's being forced to marry someone," she said sadly. Wait, the Princess is being forced to marry someone she doesn't love? That's so mean. I mean, I don't even know who she is and I know she doesn't deserve something like this.
"That's horrible," I said upset that someone would have to go through something like this.
"Apparently she's actually marrying your cousin Felix," she said nervously. Wait, Felix is getting MARRIED! THAT'S INSANE!
"Anyway, the royal family has dropped off some clothes to wear tomorrow so just go to your room and you'll find them hanging up," she said smiling sadly.
"Ok, bye," I said as she walked out of the room.
"Bye Adrien," she said. I got a text from Nino then saying that Mari is fine but she's staying with family for the next few days. I guess I'll have to profess my heartfelt apology for whatever I did to make her break up with me later. I think I'm just going to go lay down.

Marinette's POV -

I hate what might happen. I've always wanted to get married but... not like this... not without Adrien as my groom...

"It's going to be ok," Kagami said from beside me as she and Chloe tried to comfort me.
"He hates me now. He'll never want to be with me after the way I treated him," I cried out.
"Of course he will. As soon as he knows the truth he'll understand," Chloe said rubbing my shoulder comfortably.
"But what if the plan doesn't work?" I ask scared. We had a plan to hopefully stop the wedding from happening but.... we don't know if it will even work. But I have to try...
"I made sure to let Miss Bustier know what's going on and she told the class that the Princess is entering a FORCED marriage." I looked up at her panicked.
"So Adrien knows that I'm entering an arranged marriage?" I asked terrified of what the answer will be.
"No, but he does know the PRINCESS is entering an arranged marriage and as soon as he finds out YOU'RE the PRINCESS, he'll understand why you did what you did," Nino said as he sat down after entering the room. I looked down at my lap as I fiddled with my fingers.
"I hope so," I said hopefully to myself.
"I know he will, now... you need rest before the wedding tomorrow and you guys need to get back to Mari's place before anyone notices so we will leave you to rest Mari," Kagami said as she stood up motioning for Nino and Chloe to follow.
"Ok, see you guys tomorrow for my COULD BE WEDDING," I said in a slightly irritated voice.
"Bye," they all said one by one as they left. The next thing I knew I was all alone in my room at the castle. I hope everything goes right tomorrow. I soon fell asleep crying at what might end up actually being my wedding day.

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