Chapter 14 - A Wedding???

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Marinette's POV:

After removing my dress Chloe, Nino and I all went to have lunch with my parents. Gabriel decided to come along as well. I'm a bit nervous because of what my mother said about discussing something to do with the coronation. I'm sure everything will be fine though. Right? Anyway shortly after sitting down the food was bought out so I decided to get right to the point.

"What did you want to talk about? Is something wrong?" I asked looking between my parents who both had worried looks on their faces.
"We were having a discussion with the court on what it will be like once you're Empress and.... your father found something" my mum said looking sadly at my dad. What is going on?
"Apparently for a women to become Empress, she must be married first..." My dad said softly. What? I have to be married... BEFORE MY CORONATION... IN A WEEK!
"Wait, WHAT! HOW AM I GOING TO BE MARRIED BEFORE NEXT WEEK!" I said starting to panic. I looked at Chloe and Nino and saw they had just as much shock on their faces.
"Well, we have already been looking at suiters and think we found one..." they said looking behind me towards the door. I turned around and saw non other than...


"I can't marry Felix... first of all I'm already in a committed relationship with his cousin, Gabriel's son Adrien!" I yelled before realising what I said and covering my mouth.
"YOU ARE WHAT!" My father yelled angrily. "YOU KNOW YOU ARE NOT TO BE IN ANY RELATIONSHIP WITH ANYONE WHO'S NOT OF ROYAL BLOOD!" He yelled angry. This is bad... this is very bad.
"An Agreste is still a famous name I may add," Gabriel said angry that his name is being treated badly. And I couldn't agree more.

"IT IS FAMOUS FOR FASHION... MY DAUGHTER CAN NEVER BE ASSOCIATED IN THIS WAY WITH ANYONE OTHER THAN ROYALTY!" My father yelled back angrier than ever. This is going horribly. "YOU WILL BREAK UP WITH THIS ADRIEN AND MARRY FELIX!" He yelled back towards me. I let a tear drop from my eye and my fathers eyes soften a bit. "I'm sorry, but for the good of the country you must marry Felix... this is only for political reasons for now. Maybe one day..." My father trailed off looking as if he was hiding something.
"Fine... I will marry Felix... but only for political reasons and for my country," I said sadly but with my head held high. I could see from the corner of my eye that Gabriel, Nino and Chloe were shocked at what I just said but before anyone else could speak I stood up and walked outside.

After storming out I found myself sitting on a bench overlooking the garden, I finally let myself go and sobbed. I heard a noise beside me and saw Nino and Chloe standing there. I motioned for them to come sit down and they wrapped their arms around me.
"Oh Mari, I'm so sorry that you have to do this," Chloe said as I continued to cry. After a while I rubbed my tears away and sat up.
"At least it's Felix, I mean, I may not be as close to him as I am with you guys but, he's still a good friend and will help me rule," I let out.
"I will, and I promise to be ready to step down once you want my cousin to take over," A voice said from beside us. I looked up and saw Felix smiling at me.
"How are you handling this, I know you and Kagami are together, how will you explain this to her?" I asked standing up facing him.

"He's already told me everything, and I know what's going on," Another voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw Kagami standing there.
"Wait, you know about me being... and about..." I said walking towards her.
"I knew you were the Princess as soon as I first met you, I lived in China pretty much my whole life up until a few years ago and I happen to be very observant," She smiled at me. "Me and Felix will still be together but, we will just stay a secret as we have done with our parents so far anyway," She explained to me.

"Well, I'm glad the arranged marriage won't affect you guys, I don't know how to handle Adrien though," I looked down sadly thinking of what I'll have to do. "I'll probably have to break up with him.
"No, you can't do that, you guys are made for each other," Chloe said standing up from the bench with Nino.
"Just for now, if after the wedding and coronation he still wishes to be with me, then we can, but for now we'll just take things as they come. I just hope he understands," I say mostly to reassure myself.
"He'll understand," A voice said behind us. It was Gabriel. "He's not the kind of boy who will just leave because of something you can't control, I can tell you love him and I'm sure he loves you just as much," Gabriel said as he rested a hand on my shoulder comfortably.
"Thank you Gabriel," I smile before giving him a hug. "But I still feel it will be better on him to not be 'together' when I'm getting married, so I'll ask for a 'break' just to wrap me head around everything," I said looking down sadly again.
"Just don't hurt him too badly, he's been through enough in his life," Felix said standing next to me.
"I'll try," I said smiling up at my friend.
"Well, we better get back before everyone wonders where we went," Nino said. We all said our goodbyes and headed home.

(A/N - Please don't be mad, I just thought this would give some juiciness to the story as it was getting pretty boring which was why I lost interest earlier. I hope you enjoy this... don't worry... Adrienette will live again... just has a little bump in the road)

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