Chapter 2 - The Airport

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Marinette's Pov:

As soon as we were dismissed me and Nino went straight to my place. Chloe went around the back so she wouldn't be caught by any of our classmates. I was so angry at my parents. The whole class could be killed. Only 4 people know how to fight. Me, Nino, Chloe and kind of Adrien. Me, Nino, and Chloe were taught to defend ourselves when we were younger. And Adrien can kind of fight... Because he's a fencer?... No, I always knew he was Chat Noir. So has the royal family including Nino. Many of our ancestors were holders of the Miraculous. Only those with our Royal Blood have a gene that can sense who's under a mask. We've never been face to face with Hawk Moth so we have no clue who's under his masks. Chloe and all the royal guards also know, we told them for protection and stuff.

I aggressively opened the bakery door to find my aunt in there helping customers. I knew we would have to speak in a special Chinese language reserved only for the royal family and their associates so they wouldn't understand us.
"What was mother thinking, inviting my class to MY coronation. They could be KILLED!" I yelled at my aunt.
"I tried to tell you this morning but you wouldn't listen," Aunt Sabine replied grabbing some croissants for the customers.
"I know, I know but what if they come back," I said worriedly as Chloe walked into the bakery from the back entrance coming to stand beside me. After thanking the customers and closing up she finally responded.
"I know, but your mother must have her reasons. Well, why don't you just go upstairs and pack. I'm closing the bakery early as me and your uncle are leaving today. We'll see you guys in China," She said kissing the top of my head.
"Ok, bye," I said hugging her before she went up to the apartment to collect her bags.

"I better get going to finish packing up" Nino said as he turned towards the door to leave.
"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow" I finally said to Nino hugging him goodbye.
"Hey, why don't we invite Alya and Adrien into first class with us. So we have more people to talk to when on the plane, I know you hate long trips" Chloe asked excitedly.
"I like that idea, I'll call mum upstairs and ask her, bye Nino" I said as Nino walked out.
"Bye guys" Nino said shutting the door.
" Bye," Chloe shouted before the door closed.

We climbed the stairs and went into my room which had two mattresses out on the floor by the TV. Chloe's stuff had been dropped by while we were at school as she was staying the night.
"You go choose a movie while I ring my mother" I said as I grabbed my phone out and sat on my chaise.
"Ok" She said going to the movie stand to pick out a few movies to watch.
I dialled my mum's number and waited for her to pick up.

M - Hey Mum
Mum - Hey sweetheart, I'm guessing you heard about the surprise about your classmates leaving with you tomorrow?
M - Yes, I'm really upset about that. How could you? What if they get killed?
Mum - I know, I know, but I thought you would want your friends at your coronation.
M - I guess... Oh, I was also wondering if I can have Adrien and Alya in first class with me, Nino, and Chloe tomorrow?
Mum - Oh, well, I was going to let you take one of your private jets.
M - Oh my gosh, really! Oh yes yes yes yes yes!
Mum - I thought you'd like that
M - Oh thank you so much, I can't wait to see you in 2 days!
Mum - Me to, I've missed you.
M - I've missed you to. Well, I got to go, I'm having a movie night with Chloe! Bye Mum. Love you.
Mum - Bye Sweetheart, I love you too. Have fun!

After I hung up the phone I went over and sat with Chloe. After the first movie I quickly packed my onboard suitcase while Chloe choose the next movie. I don't need more than that as I already have a bunch of clothes in China. We then sat down to watch a few more movies.

After a few hours we went down and had an early dinner, since we didn't have lunch. While eating I did some designs of what dresses I wanted the girls to wear for my coronation, with Chloe's help of course. After dinner Chloe got some ice-cream out of the fridge so we could have dessert while we continued. Once we had settled for a design for everyone it was late so we went up stairs and got ready for bed. I was both excited and scared for tomorrow. Excited I finally get to go back to my home country but scared for my friends getting hurt or even killed. After a while of tossing and turning I finally got some sleep.

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