Chapter 20 - The Wedding

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Marinette's POV:

As the music began Chloe give me a quick wink before she turned around as the doors opened. There were 25 bridesmaids and 25 groomsmen who were just a bunch of princesses and princes from different countries. We weren't close with any of them because most were a lot older than us. Each pair walked down and then sat in the second row which was left open for them. After that, Chloe walked down as my maid of honour before the music stopped and changed to my entrance music. My father held my hand as we walked down the aisle. As I neared the alter I caught a glimpse of Adrien. He looked really sad.

I hope he understands everything in the end.

We got to the alter, I turned towards my father and bowed my head as he gently lifted my veil over my head. I heard gasps from the class which were shooshed by some of the crowd. My class knew my secret now.

Adrien's POV:

Honestly, I didn't want to be here. I wish I was with Mari. I watched as Princes and Princess' of  the world walked down the aisle. Then I saw Chloe coming down the aisle.

She's the maid of honour? Why didn't she say anything? That's weird. I thought she'd brag about being the maid of honour at a royal wedding to the whole class. I knew she must've known the Princess in some way from when she visited here with her father as a child when he did political business but I didn't know they were close enough for her to be the maid of honour in the royal wedding!

I was pulled from my thoughts as the music changed. Everyone stood up for the entrance of the Princess. I couldn't see her face because of her veil but the dress was amazing. Apparently my father had designed it, he's worked with the Chinese Royal Family since before I was even born. It really is a beautiful dress. I wondered if Marinette would want to wear a traditional Chinese wedding dress like that or a more modern white dress. I hope I can fix things with her so I get to see that day. Everyone got seated ready for the ceremony to start when the princess leaned over for her father the King to remove her veil. The whole class gasped.

Oh My Gosh... MARINETTE!!! Marinette is the Princess! MY PRINCESS IS A PRINCESS! Wait... My Princess is getting MARRIED! TO MY COUSIN!!! So this is why she broke up with me... she didn't want me to be hurt in her arranged marriage... WHY DIDN'T SHE JUST TELL ME! I'm losing her...

My emotions were all over the place from excited that my princess was a princess to deflated at the fact she's getting married... to my cousin no less. I barely even notice that a bunch of the crowd had shushed us.


Marinette's POV:

After I heard the gasps I knew my class knew my secret. I knew Adrien probably hated me even more than he did before. But I can't think about this right now. I need to put my plan into action! Felix walked up to me aa my father gave me away to him. We started to walk up to the alter together but then I turned towards the podium. Everyone thinks I'm going to welcome everyone to my wedding... but I'm not... I'm going to show everyone the truth behind my father and his lies.

"Welcome Everyone! I am Princess Marinette Emilia Cheng and I just wanted to say some words before we continue with all this royal wedding stuff," I said smiling out to all the royal and wealthy families who had gathered for this wedding. I looked over to Felix and smiled at him. He gave me a wink encouraging me to continue. I saw some of the guards who knew what's happening get ready to stop my father if he tried anything during the speech. It was time.

 "Just a few days ago I was told that due to an ancient Chinese law I had to get married before I could take the throne, and because it was so last minute I had to have an arranged marriage. I didn't understand why so I looked into Chinese History and in every book I read there was only mentions of women who were married or had to be married because of this law to become Empress," I started to explain. I saw my father looking suspicious. The guards were standing ready to jump on him if he were to try intervene but I moved my hand slightly to tell them to wait a minute.

"Every book had the same information... All except ONE," I said. My father went to stand up but I put my hand up telling him to stand down. He didn't know he was in trouble yet but he knew his plan was starting to fail.
"When I was 8 years old my Grandfather, Emperor Shi-Lan Cheng, appointed me the next heir to the throne. After this he gave me a special book with all of my ancestors. Over 500 years ago in 1522 the Emperor, San-Li Cheng, changed the law so the heir to the throne, his daughter Princess Mei-Li Cheng wouldn't have to marry to take the throne. Unfortunately she passed away due to disease before being able to take the throne so it went to her cousin Emperor Fa-Ming Cheng. Since then there has only been male heirs, until me," I said. At first I though the crowd seemed bored but they seemed to start a commotion probably realising I'm stopping the wedding. And they were right.

"When my father heard I would be taking the throne instead of him... he was furious," I said now looking directly at my father. He grew a snarl on his face realising I figured out his plan. Little did he know I knew a whole lot more than he thought. I continued to stare at him as I spoke.
"So he planned to take the throne from me. To do that he needed someone who would hand the throne to him. But he realised he would have to be sneaky about it. So he got his mistresses help... PRINCESS AMELIE GRAHAM DE VANILY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM!" Suddenly the whole room started talking about my fathers affair. Guards came up and detained Amelie so she wouldn't run. My father tried to run up and stop me but more guards came and detained him as well.

"If you are not aware... Amelie is Felix's mother... their plan was for Felix to marry me. They would then kill me and Amelie would somehow convince Felix to give the throne to my father as he would be in charge as King once he married me. If I was to die without being married, the throne would have gone straight to my cousin Prince Nino Lahiffe," I said. The class gasped as Nino stepped forward slightly letting his presence known.
"So my father erased all history of the law being banished so he could convince everyone I had to be married. There was one problem though. Someone found out what he had done and what he was planning," I continued. I took a deep breath about to tell the news that only me and Kagami knew. Kagami gave me a soft smile nodding her head. I took another deep breath before continuing again.

"That person was....


(A/N - Get ready because it's about to go down...)

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