Speech about ✨gender✨

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Okay I just wanna talk about something that REALLY drives me through a wall:

Lots of people — transphobic, transgender, just PEOPLE IN GENERAL — will say, "there's just two genders." Look, transphobes, we know you're just tryina make us mad and it SOMETIMES WORKS, but at least you know you're wrong :< I mean, that's why you SAY IT. Bc you KNOW we'll disagree. Well, some of us will disagree. The thing that REALLY pushes my buttons, though, is when someone of the LGBTQIAP+ community goes and says, "I'm not tryina be transphobic, but there are two genders." My guys, I know you're not tryina be transphobic, and I don't think you are BEING transphobic. What really rubs me wrong is the fact that, no, there are not simply "two genders." Now, before you go on disagreeing with me and arguing, "WELL, PEOPLE ARE EITHER AFAB OR AMAB, NOT 'ASSIGNED-NON-BINARY-AT-BIRTH' OR 'ASSIGNED-TRANS-AT-BIRTH.'" Yes, you are correct about that, but thats not what gender is. "WELL THEN IF THATS NOT GENDER, THEN WHAT IS?" Ooooh, great question! Allow me to answer it: Gender is what YOU say/believe you are. For example, my gender is not female; my gender is male/trans masc. Gender is what you CURRENTLY identify as. Mmmmm, wait till I'm finished to argue, please. SEX is what you're confusing it with. There are MANY, MANY GENDER IDENTITIES, but only two sexes. THE THING PEOPLE WILL OFTEN FORGET IS THAT SEX DOESNT JUST MEAN "Meet me in the bedroom." SEX ALSO MEANS "These are the body parts you were born with, and that defines your sex." THE THING THAT GETS ME THE MOST IS THAT PEOPLE WILL GO AROUND, PREACHING, "There are two genders, that's it." EVEN PEOPLE WITHIN THE COMMUNITY WILL BE SAYING THAT. Yeah, male and female are still genders, but they are two of MANY gender identities, whereas there are only two sexes. For example, my gender, as I've said before, is male/trans masc., but my SEX is female. I'm ashamed of my sex because, of course, *claps* ✨BODY DYSMORPHIA AND GENDER DYSPHORIA✨ but I can change my sex :) which is GOOD just not LEGAL yet. But BACK TO THE POINT: there are two sexes, male and female, and COUNTLESS genders that expand BEYOND male and female.

Anyways, thanks for dropping in lol I hope this speech educated some ppl and feel free to ask further questions either here or in the pms! I'll try to answer them asap but I'm only human and I have a life offline, so please be patient. Thanks guys!

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