September - poem

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And there he lay
The moon in the sky
Its light spilt across him
Feeling he might die.

He felt a feeling
That he shouldn't feel.
He didn't love him, nor did she
But he wished one did.

He wanted love;
To feel it
To have it.
He yearned for it.

He wanted to feel wanted
And cared for
And appreciated
But he didn't.

So there he lay,
Surrounded in darkness
With the moon's rays on his face
And splayed across his form.

He felt sad
But found happiness in that sadness.
But found comfort in it.

And there stood the hole
In his heart.
Empty, as it had been
Ever since September.

He fell for people
Whom he knew he couldn't have
And yet couldn't help it.
He wanted to know why.

Hopelessly romantic,
And fearful.

He glanced out his window.
Music danced in his ears,
Soothing him
As he watched the stars.

They brought him a sort of peace
That no human could ever bring him.
Though he longed for it.
All he wanted was love.

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