Hi im in love with everyone all the time😃👍

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The pansexual urge to constantly be in love with everyone you see anyways when I have a partner I'm gonna draw them all the time and hug and kiss them and never let go of them and tell them how much I love them and tell them how wonderful and beautiful/pretty/handsome they are and make them a Spotify playlist of Songs That Sound Like Them and I'm gonna force them to play Minecraft with me so we can have a cute lil world that's just ours and we can go on boba dates and I'll force them to go to museums cos I love museums so much like why are they so awesome plus two of my favorite things ever in the same place even though one of them is the place but oh to be in love I want it SANTA CAN YOU HEAR ME I HAVE BEEN SO GOOD THIS YEAR AND ALL I WANT IS ONE THIIIIIIING TELL ME MY TRUE LOVE IS HEREEEE im literally a simp and that's okay!! bc I just love very deeply 😃👍 wow I can't wait to share that love with someone like omg a whole other person who makes me happy as fuck and whom I get to share my love with and they love me too?? like whatttt?? im literally gonna fall in love this summer I really hope I do that's my birthday wish lmao "I wish for a partner please, dear god, let me love someone whom I can actually have; stop giving me people I can't have" haha im gonna cry

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