Cool idea

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I've had this idea in the back of my mind for a while now — sort of a coping mechanism for me — for making a comfort oc Demon. I don't have any comfort characters and I was thinking abt making one for myself but as a demon. To make him, I'd objectify certain areas of my life that are trauma-induced and such and put those on the comfort character. For example, list of eyes for my social anxiety, extra hands+arms for the SA, tall like G, that sort of thing. The twist: he's not mean. He's realy just broken and sad. He's tired of being scary and threatening. He just wants a hug. Also he purrs and it's sooooo cute. The whole point of his existence, however, is merely a way for me to stop blaming myself for the stuff that's happened and to be able to pin it on something that isn't real; a distraction, if you will :) and it's more healthy than my previous coping mechanism :<
I tried to make some concept art for him but it was disgusting.
And I gotta give him a name, too.


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